Walky app: Tell us what you think and get SBI shares!

in #esteem5 years ago

Hello there!

Did you know that:

  • 1 out of 4 doesn’t get enough exercise
  • That sitting is the new smoking
  • By 2025, half of the population will consist out of millennials
  • 93% of this generation prefers to buy from sustainable companies

Well we do and here at Walky we want to take action on this.

What is Walky?

In essence, Walky is a step counter app. But it’s so much more.
Users are rewarded with Walky-points for their steps. These Walky-points can be exchanged for rewards supplied by partner-brands. Users can do this individually or form groups and collectively save for rewards to increase social interaction. The rewards will also be from a sustainable nature or from sustainable companies.

What are the key principles of Walky?

  • Sustainability
    • Partner-brands should excel in sustainability
  • Creating an impact
    • Users should be able to give back to the community (give your steps to local charities)
  • User friendliness
    • Clear, crisp and easy to understand UX and UI

The MVP design

This is a basic version of the concept that focuses on activity, rewards and individual target features. At first we would like to build a strong userbase to find out what the community would want in future releases.

It is also important to notice that no registration is required to use the app at first. Of course when you want to collect a reward or form groups and invite friends, you'll have to register. Only minimum information will be required to insure maximum privacy. We are not a data collecting company.




Future features

  • Groups feature
    • Provide users the ability to form groups, invite friends and earn Walky-points for a shared reward.
  • Bonus power-ups
    • Provide users the option to perform tasks, like watching a sponsored video or answering quiz questions on sustainability, to gain advantages. For example, all points collected are doubled for the day.
  • Event power-ups
    • Provide users to participate in events. For example the marathon of Antwerp. Joining events will lead to power-ups similar to “Bonus power-ups”.
  • Leaderboards
    • Compare your progress with other users.
  • Enhanced social features
    • More social features like messages, chatbox, friend feed,… .

Is this thing built on blockchain?

No. For the moment there are no plans on building the app with blockchain technology. We decided that this use case does not need it. Not yet anyway. But we are pro blockchain and cryptocurrency. That's why we created an account on Steemit. Our customer segment are millennials and Steemit is filled with this generation. It would also be cool to reward users with Steem or create our own SMT in the future.

We need your help.

In order to give the community the best possible app that they deserve, we would like to get some feedback.

Do you like the idea?
Would you use it?
Do you think some of the future features needs to be included into the basic MVP?
Can you think of other features you want?
Any other advice, tricks, opinions?

Our founder, @d0zer, will reward every user with 2 @steembasicincome shares that gives feedback.
In total there are 50 shares to be given away.

Thank you for reading.

The Walky team


Awesome idea. Generally I like this type of application, goals to build a bridge from Activities in the Life and reward or reward-like system. The initial proposals are good. Securely I'll browse more on the project

Posted using Partiko Android

We're very happy you like it! I hope you will enjoy it when it will be released.

Shares incoming!

There is a main website or you utilize only the steemit Channel for the news about the project?

Posted using Partiko Android

We have no website or other social media account for the moment. First we thought it would be a good idea to ask feedback on the app. Of course, if everything goes well and the app will be developed, much more information will be available on a website and other social media.

Ok, Thanks :)

I like the simple, clean interface and the way the home screen background appears to change based on time of day (or weather?). Little nuances like that make for a more polished experience.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Indeed. The background changes based on time of day and weather as well. We thought it was fun feature to add. :)
Glad you like it.

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Quite interesting, esp. the feature to accomplish something valuable collectively by working in a group. You may also think on the lines of BOID Team set-up to make a group more active as a whole vis-a-vis other group (teams). Points themselves should be transferable (donate-able) to charity instead of cash so that the charity could exchange them for the things they need from another sustainable company. Some sustainable ventures may also form a group to reward their group members with their products or services in exchange of points earned and gain more brand visibility & loyalty in return.

Will keep an eye on the development of this app.

Very interesting feedback you gave there.
We will check on how BOID does it. Thanks for the tip!

2 shares incoming.

does the app also track hopping? I tend to hop a lot for my exercise. thanks

That's a very good question! We will look into this.

2 shares incoming.

I like this idea a lot. It takes a lot of motivation for me to get up and exercise, and a good reward program would help a lot.

My one suggestion, to help adoption, is to integrate the app with some of the existing fitness devices that have open APIs. For example, I wear my Fitbit all the time as a watch, so it would be great to be able to import those stats into Walky even if I'm not walking with my phone all the time.

That's exactly the reason why we want to do this. To get people motivated.
Your suggestion is spot on!
The plan is to integrate it with wearables like Fitbit.

2 shares for you.

Great, I'm glad to hear it. I'll look forward to trying out the app. Thank you for the shares!

Great idea. I would like to use it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Glad you would want to use it. We will keep you updated.

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The idea is good. My main questions are: how the steps will be counted? Will it be possible to connect the app to a smart band / smart watch? Will it track other activities than walking/running?

I also like the idea of participation in events for users. It's ambitious and exciting. It would be great if users could organize events themselves for their local communities.

Posted using Partiko Android

We're still exploring various options on how to count steps. There will also be a maximum steps per day to counter fraud. (around 15 000 steps)
It will be possible to connect the app with wearables. For the moment only walking/running will be tracked. But with future releases, other activities could be added.
Your idea of that users could create their own events is great!

Thanks for your valuable feedback.
2 shares incoming!

I am interested to see how Walkyapp turns out. Right now I use Actifit and try to post meaningful content but maybe being removed from the chain will help myself and others to concentrate on the actual physical benefits of our activities. Integration with Fitbit or Garmin would be great (although my phone goes with me most walks/hikes). Best advice I can think of is GO SLOW and produce a first rate app with the essential features and improve over time with feedback. Looking forward to downloading. Keep us updated.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is indeed good advice. First release will contain the most important features after that...we'll see what the community really wants.
We will keep you updated!

2 shares for you.

Does this app only measures walking? I am using actifit and gogglefit to track my movement. I like the idea of group count. That is something new.

Posted using Partiko Android

Walking and probably running as well.
It would be nice to add other activities like cycling in the future.
Cool you like the idea of the groups!

2 shares for you.

@dozer you did it man!!! Absolutely well-done mate, the App looks great and I wish you nothing but success!
Now stop messing about with that and create us some great Steem Apps please ;-)

Haha I'll see what I can do. ;)
Glad you like it.
2 shares for you my friend!

It's a clever idea. I actually like the fact it won't be spamming the network with posts (The quality of actifit posts range from spam to very good). I use another step counter app, but I'd switch to this one if I knew there was a tie-in to STEEM. It might prompt some walkers to create accounts on STEEM if they know there was some extra benefit.

It doesn't really look like this app initially will be dependent on STEEM for anything, save being an account with powered up STEEM. I say why not if you are sinking STEEM with this project.

Do you plan on having any sort of AR features where you could send your users on missions or tasks? You could also incorporate geocaching or other fun activities like that.

The AR features is something we're also thinking about. It would be indeed cool to send users on missions.
Your idea about geocaching is brilliant and we will do some further research on this if it's possible!

Thank you for your valuable feedback.
2 shares are on the way!

You're welcome, and thank you for the shares and also declining rewards on this post!
Best of luck!

Good idea.I will use this app.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Glad you like it!
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The colour scheme is good. The w that looks like a leg is clever in the logo. Do you expect to have in app ads or how do you generate revenue? Is the business model something more like if you partner with any brand and a user chooses to shop in that brand and uses some of the walky points as payment then your app gets paid as well for bringing the customer in?

Partner-brands will be a big part of the business model. These business will have to pay a fee to be featured into the marketplace. Extra features are possible as well.
We want the user not to look at useless ads that no wants to see. But the user may also be able to look at a video about the companies sustainability aspect and gain a power-up. So it's still has to have some real value. Not a brainless ad.

Thanks for the feedback!
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So the idea is similar to SweatCoin? You earn points by doing exercises and exchange points for goods/products? Is this app available to download now? I want to take a look. Thanks.

Correct. Sweatcoin is our main competitor. The app still has to be developed. That's also the reason we're asking feedback to adjust the app if necessary.

Thanks for being interested!
2 shares for you!

At moment I use another walking app but I will try walkyapp just to see will I get more income then with the previous one. Only reason why I am using walking apps is to generate passive income.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope you'll be albe to enjoy the app when it releases. :)

2 shares incoming!

thank you :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting idea :)

This is a great idea and if you can incorporate it with Steem, I’ll definitely be a user!

We will see what we can do.
We're thrilled you are going to be one of our future users!

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At the end there are 5 questions. I would like to answer each one by one.

  1. do you like the idea
    Yes, I like the idea of these kind of apps we humans are moving towards very lazy lifestyles the technology is leading this thing and the technology can fight with this.

2 ) would you use it ??
Yes, I am using these kind of app to track my fitness and I would like to use this app as well. Followed you account for further updates.

  1. Do you think some of the future features needs to be included into the basic MVP?

Yes, I think there should be some features like sharing daily activity on social platform like Steemit( I prefers ) so that user can participate in that. But it’s great

  1. can you think of other features you want ??
    Earlier in question I mentioned that if there is any option to upload it on social sites like Steemit then it would be better??
  2. any advice, tricks , opinion???
    I would like to link this with the idea I have given earlier to upload it on Steemit and if you can create some rewards system on Steemit then you can increase your user base easily.

That’s my advice and answer.

Thanks for your feedback!
We are so glad you want to use the app. It would be indeed very fun to share your activity on social media platforms.

2 shares incoming!

I like the idea of being given SBI shares. :)

For feedback, if you have the budget, I suggest you consider review hunt (via @steemhunt) to have hunters be familiar with your app and provide feedback via buzz quest.

Same with what raycoms said, my first impression was it's similarity with @actifit. But the main difference is that you're not built on top of a blockchain for now and you're not a fitness tracking app, just a step counter app.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the @steemhunt tip! We will check it out.
We're hoping to be a bit more than just a step counter app. With @actifit you get rewarded with Steem and tokens which is great but where do you spend them? With Walky you can spend your coins on rewards from businesses that actually contributes to society. Or if you don't care about free rewards, you can always donate your coins to local charities on a very easy way. Also the design, as you can see, is very different.

Come to think about it, it would be nice to exchange Walky points for SBI shares as a reward. :)

2 shares incoming!

There are a lot of fitness apps on smartphones already and @actifit also rewards you for walking. What is your apps differential to these other options?

Unlike @actifit ,we are not a fitness tracker app and are not on any blockchain. We will be different in brand, type of rewards and functionality. The brand is being built around sustainability. So only companies or products that have the same values as us, can be a potential partner-brand. This way we create maximum value for our users and society. We think it is important to reward both users and businesses for their sustainability.
Also future features like creating groups is unique. Walky can become the world's first group step counter app.

Thx for the feedback!
2 shares incoming.

A bidbotted post that refuses payouts, that's cool I like it. Perhaps next time send the money as 100% beneficiaries to steem.dao or null.

I like the idea but I am mostly worried about cheating, If there are tangible rewards people will go to great length to cheat the walking and beat regular users. Si would particularly put an emphasis on cheating, look at pokemon go for reference with people doing stuff in bikes to hatch eggs faster etc.

Curious to see which brands you are partenered with though.

Indeed cheating is one of the biggest problems when developing apps like this. We will most likely set a maximum on the amount of steps that can be converted per day. Probably around 15 000 steps to avoid fraud. We will look at Pokemon Go on how they do it. Thank you for your advice!

2 shares incoming!

I've used actifit for my walking or my daily activities tracking. Walkyapp it's sounds interesting.. can't wait for walkyapp integrated with steem blockchain

Posted using Partiko Android

For now there are no plans on integrating with the Steem blockchain. But it's certainly an option for the future.
2 shares incoming.

I think you need go to review.hunt.town by @steemhunt and will get more attention from hunter using your app and review it

Posted using Partiko Android

In most of the apps, the rewards are limited to certain geographical boundary, how to do cope up with that so that everyone, irrespective of where they stay can get rewards ?

Good question.
At first the app will only be released in Belgium. Once we did that and built a strong foundation, we can expand to other countries. The app should automatically detect in which country you are. That way you will get specific rewards for each separate country.

Shares incoming!

Not on blockchain, not privacy friendly (selling data to partner brands), no token. I don't like it, to be honest with my thoughts :)

We are glad you are being honest. That's why we here for.
We're not on a blockchain because for now it is not needed for our use case.
About the privacy, we hope to be the exact opposite.
We will NOT sell any personal data to brands. Only general app data like "how many users clicked on that reward",...
The user data needed for registration will also be very limited.
Did I mention you do not need to give out any data to use the app at first? :)

Hopefully you will try it when it will be released.
Thanks for your feedback!

2 shares incoming!

Thanks, and good to hear you're taking privacy serious. Needs a Blockchain based token though ;)

Well, will your app provide any lucrative rewards, or also will be only dust as ActiFit for example?

Posted using Partiko iOS

We will provide physical rewards like coupons for a sustainable shoe store, free minutes to rent an electrical bike in a city or a free vegan meal. Things like that.

Thanks for your reply.
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My immediate thought was SweatCoin, and looking at the comments, I see you see them as a competitor. Having used SC for what seems like years, you need something else to be different from them.

I suggest you hook this on to the blockchain. SC having been promising their token will have some substance for ever, have failed to deliver. Don't be the same as them, as they were here before you.

We hope we're going to be a lot different than SW. In rewards, brand and user-friendliness.

Thanks for the advice!
Shares incoming!

Where to download. I like Walking. Let's me try it. Haha.
in the past I use sweatcoin app.
Now let me try a new one.

Posted using Partiko Android

We love your enthusiasm!
But the app still has to be developed. :)

2 shares incoming!

first of all, Welcome to Steem!

Secondly, I'm a tour cyclist and I've been using actifit for tracking all my activities (especially my world cycling!)

Will this app support different ways of exercise?

Also I searched for the app to try, but can't find any link to it. I'll keep searching

Posted using Partiko Android

At first, it will probably only support walking and running. But it is indeed a future option to add cycling as well.
Right now, the app still has to be developed because first we wanted to have some feedback from potential users. ;)
We will keep you updated.

2 shares incoming.

That is good to hear. I mean, I also walk so its not like I'm cycling exclusively haha!

Thanks for the 2 SBI
!giphy money

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Yes. I use the native one on my samsung 9s. I wish I coukd download it since Im just about to go out for a hike.

How would you generate demand for the token? Selling ad space with it?

Glad you want to try it out!
For the moment there are no plans on creating a token.

2 share for you!

I personally think it's a good idea and its going to go a long way in helping the obsessed kind of people.

you guys can also learn one or two things from the bussiness model of Actifit and fitbit and many more.

I'll love to give it a try too.

We're thrilled you would want to try the app!
We will keep you updated.

2 shares for you!

Good one. Welcome to STEEM @walkyapp. You guys can run competitions on STEEM and reward users to participate and use the application. That way you can get feedback and early users too. Probably ask them to talk about the application on their social media accounts. Cheers! Looking forward to use the app.

That's good advice! Thanks for your valuable feedback.

2 shares for you.

Can refer to a jogging APP → RUNTOPIA
If you can accommodate TABATA, or the mode of intermittent exercise, it will be more popular with users.

Runtopia is indeed an app that we see as a competitor.
We will take your idea in consideration!

Here are some shares.

I think social is very important, users can exercise with each other through WALKY and get rewards, which is very good!

We're glad you like the idea!

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Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

It would be nice to translate this application into Spanish, I will install and test it PD: Never use @actifit

When we will release the app in Spain, we will need someone to translate it to Spanish. ;)
Cool that you want to test the app.

Shares incoming.

Thank you, I would really like to try it, if you need to translate something you can count on me :)

I like the layout and general design of the app, but what makes your app stand out from similar apps that already have a string user base?

Posted using Partiko Android

We hope that several key factors will stand out:

  • The sustainability aspect. (100% sustainable rewards) It will also be different for every country because each country has its own sustainable companies and its own local charities.
  • The design
  • User-friendliness: Our app has to be more easy to use than any other step counter out there. That's why we're keeping everything pretty basic but with a nice design.

Thanks for the feedback.
2 shares for you!

Ok I use a Huawei phone, and they just love to shut down apps. Actifit doesn't usually stay open.

Please make sure that it doesn't die randomly as that will lead to a big no from me.

That is a good remark!
We will see on how we can prevent his.

2 shares for you!

Finde die Idee super, würde die App verwenden, wenn sie mir gefällt

We are delighted you would want to use the app!

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Hey d0zer ziet er wel strak uit hoor. Een mooiere Ui dan actifit zeker en vast. Als je testers nodig hebt wil ik me zeker wel kandidaat stellen.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ik zal aan u denken als het zover is! :)
Hier zijn wat shares!

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