Coinbase said that I was using a new device and new address. Both of which are not true. I used a debit card next time if I don’t find another exchange will have a delay before I send it to blocktrade.
We only decorate the inside of the house and a candle in the window
This year has a special meaning
That happens to me when I clear my internet cache. The sites I have told to 'remember me' stop remembering me. I could fix this by updating my whitelist but I never remember to do that.
I did not make any changes
I think that its on their side. I think they delete it if you dont log in all the time to save memorie and it must also apply to the addresses.
If I use them again I will find out because I will keep logging in prior. I dont know how to keep the address current.
Well then I say grrrrr to them. 72 hours is just too long. So much can happen in that time. Crypto and life in general. I hope you do find a better trading site and let us all know about it!
I brought ether to send to blocktrade. Ether dropped by $13 dollars. That cost me around 45 steem because of the 72 hour delay.
Coinbase did me right when I first started and I was using it twice a month now the last 2 times 72 hour delay. But only used it 2 times in last 3 months.