Poverty will affect everyone, even if you are not poor.

in #esteem7 years ago

If the riot of the poor begins, who will come first? For wealthy citizens, to nationalize their properties. And then the turn will reach the middle class. Either the property will be taken or forced to leave the country, creating unbearable conditions for life. Therefore, representatives of the rich and middle class should first be interested in having fewer poor people in the country.

Poverty is what the whole community must struggle for, it is a real evil, the source of disease, ignorance, evil. You can have at least 20 apartments and businesses, but while in that country there will be poverty, you will not be safe and comfortable. Can be fenced off by a high fence, to pretend that you do not care, create a remarkable micro-world and move between home, office, club to Mercedes, trying not to intersect with the evil one. But it will be a golden enclosure. Slowdown will sooner or later make you.

This is well understood by Western capitalists and in every possible way of trying to help their people not to drown in poverty. All the billionaires in the west donate hundreds of millions of dollars for charitable purposes. Thousands of wealthy citizens donate money to the university where they study. Millions to various charitable foundations. And all this to ensure that poverty is not born in their community. Less defeated poverty in their country, they even started to engage in charity on a global scale.

Less defeated poverty in their country, they even started to engage in charity on a global scale. Because they understand that poverty in neighboring countries gives birth to terrorists, epidemics, international crimes, that will reach them. They are already beginning to think on a global scale, and even in our city rich people pretend to have nothing to do.

But I think sooner or later it will touch. It's time to understand that we live in a society where everything is about everyone.