Understanding Mountains: Process Formed and Type

in #esteemapp7 years ago (edited)

landscape in the Earth is very diverse. landscape in Earth uneven and even not only comprises the mainland only (read: terrestrial ecosystems), but also the waters. Earth is one of the planet that is in the solar system where if seen, the Earth is dominated by Blue. Blue covering the Earth's surface this is a picture of the water. so it can be said bahwasannya Earth more covered by the waters than the mainland.

good waters is a sea (read: miscellaneous sea) or Ocean (read: list of the Ocean in the world) and is the waters in mainland. waters can also be a water and the form of snow, ice (read: hail), or the Glacier. the mainland own an area that is used human and animal and plant life (except animal and plant water). mainland on this Earth has Brown or yellow. mainland although used as a human habitation and animals but it turns out bentangnya also vary between with each other. landscape different makes every area has the characteristics of different anyway. landscape in mainland this can be different, for example in height place. there is the place to have a height of more than others. and the other hand, there is also the lower than the surrounding. this is the cause no part of the Earth's called as Mountain Valley, mountains, Highlands and low-lying. on a good chance we will discuss one type of bnetuk Earth. we will discuss in this article is about the mountains. sense Mountain mountains is one of the landscape that have been many we encounter. in Indonesia own the mountains of this number there are a lot. mountains in Indonesia almost be in each of the Island in Indonesia. in addition to the mountains bring the potential of natural resources great (read: natural resources Indonesia), mountains also provide incredibly beautiful. it is what caused the mountains are often used as a tourist attractions for people who live in the city and want to feel the cool natural Indonesia. no surprise that Mountain areas often flooded with tourists, both on the holiday season and every weekend arrived. mountains own a land has some sense. as for understanding of the mountains, among others as follows: mountains is a collection of or group of some of the Mountain large and small elongated and connect to connect to be one between the one with the lainnya.pengertian other mountains is a plain towering of sekelilingnya.pegunungan is Hills have the height of the 500m up to 600 ad from the sea level (read: ecosystem sea water) .pegunungan a series of some gunung.pegunungan is a geographic area with gunung- Mountain related geologis.pegunungan is a row of gunung- Mountain contained in a row in a wilayah.pegunungan a series of the Mountain connected together that in general form a long line gunung- Mountain (read: highest Mountain in the world). that's some understanding of the Mountain. of understanding different this we can appeal thread or conclusion that which is called the mountains is a series of some of the Mountain or Hill that make up a series or stretch. these mountains although a collection of some of the Mountain, However obviously not comparable with volcano still active. mountains not cause eruption and issued Magma as occurs in the volcano still active. as for the difference of mountains and the Mount will be described more in the description below. difference Mount with the mountains of the Mountain and mountains are the two words that are similar. similarity said this does not mean that they can be equated. there are differences quite prominent between the two. as for understanding of the mountains we all know above. ago, what about the Mountain? is true Mountain also have the notion that way similar? we will discuss together. if the mountains on interpreted as a series of some of the Mountain or Hill that make up a series or stretch, then the other well as the Mountain. Mountain is a bulge or form the Earth's surface higher than in the vicinity. this Mountain different from the Hill for more steep and have the height of higher than the Hill. in addition Mountain can anyone eruption but there is also not. Mountain can still do eruption (read: eruption ekplosif and efusif) called active volcano, while can't is Mountain death or active (read: the cause of the Mountain erupted) .itulah understanding quite clear from the Mountain and also the mountains. of the sense that it can be seen bahwasannya the location of the difference between the Mountain with the mountains of this is the amount. formation pegununungan mountains is one of the type of landscape contained in the Earth (read: form the Earth). the mountains of this course through the process of nature. natural processes this is a process that happened because natural and not because human intervention. the formation of the mountains through the process of the movement of tectonic plates (read: understanding tektonisme), the movement of the Earth the cause rise or fall of the Earth's surface. for more details about peroses the formation of the mountains, at least the mountains formed through three stages, namely: sedimentation the first who passed to form a Mountain is the process of sedimentation (read: sedimentary rock). the sedimentation this is a precipitate carried away from mainland by the River or it could be thrown of volcanic eruption (read: the impact of volcanic eruption on the environment). endapan- sediment this will accumulate and become rock sediment the longer the greater. movement of layer crust after arise sediment increasingly large, then arises the movement of layer crust (read: the Earth's crust) to be urgent batuan- rock until folded. great pressure after folded, then arises great pressure that will lead to a layer of rock the raised and form a row of Mount or called the mountains. that's some of the process of describing measures the mountains. processes that everything happens for natural and is completely without interference from humans. the process occurs coherently so that the form of a Mountain. the types of mountains mountains, maybe if we look and compare it between with each other will look like or just the same. However, did you know bahwasannya these mountains it can be divided into several types. the types of these mountains especially seen from the height of owned by the mountains. as for several types of mountains we need to learn, among others are as follows: mountains low type of the mountains of the first is the mountains of low. mountains low is a type of mountains that have the height not too high. mountains grouped into the mountains of low if have the height between 500 up to 1.500 meters above sea level. high mountains types of mountains next is high mountains. high mountains this course is the opposite of mountains low. types of high mountains this is the mountains that have the height above the mountains of low. mountains said as a kind of high mountains if have the height of more than 1,500m above sea level. it is a height of very high compared denagn area that is in the surrounding. that's the types of of mountains, especially seen from the height of its. there are a lot of mountains that can we encounter in this Earth. in this world there are some mountains whose name is known to around the world. ago, what are the types of pegunungan- mountains? mountains world famous if we are talking about the mountains in the world, definitely we are not familiar heard some of the name of the mountains in the world. names mountains very famous is the Himalayas and the Andes mountains. the following is an explanation of each of the mountains. Himalayas Himalayas is the name already familiar sound in our ears. kemasyuran the mountains of this even known throughout the world. this is because the Himalayas have punvcak which is the highest in the world. most of the highest Mountain in the world there is also in the Himalayas this, including the Mountain highest while also the highest peak these mountains, namely Mount Everest. Mount Everest have the height of 29.035 feet. Himalayas this extending along 1.491 miles through Central Asian countries from Afghanistan and Pakistan and through India, Nepal, China and came to Bhutan. Himalayas this plays an important role for the history of Asia. Andes mountains which also not equally well-known is the Andes mountains. mountains it has a long around 4300 miles. Andes mountains this form the mountains of the world's longest. highest peak in the Andes is Mountain Aconcagua that have a high around 22.841 feet. that's some examples mountains world famous. in addition to that has been mentioned above, much more mountains world famous.