Hello there @urme33, I have been sent by @nathanmars7 to help encourage you to make better comments. The link https://steemit.com/comment/@nathanmars7/can-you-please-someone-kindly-teach-my-friend-urme33-how-to-leave-a-meaningful-comment-thanks
On steemit comments are huge, especially when we first start engaging on steemit. He finds you to be a friend, so this is important to him. When we find friends and supporters we want to keep them, right? So let me just say the following about comments:
- Writing from your heart is important.
- Picking something from a post that you found caught your eye and expressing how it made you feel.
- Do not copy and paste comments and try to keep errors at a minimum.
- You do not have to write a blog comment but some people really love them.
- Be clear, concise and again heartfelt.
For instance,
Hello, I love photography and flowers too! What caught my eye was your colorful flowers and my favorite was the yellow ones. I really like the angle and the way you captured the fence too. I wish you much success on your steemit journey and look forward to seeing more of your work and continued progress in photography and capturing flowers.
Some people will go on and on but that does not have to be the case. I saw some users state English is not your first language, for that I would always use google translate or something similar to help. This can be very overwhelming but I like your efforts and I can tell by this post you are trying.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Eagle spirit
Ps. Roses are my favorite flower too!
Thank you for your advise.Brother I am week of english specially I can't translate english to bangla.And I sorry to doing these.Best wish to you
Google translate:
হ্যালো @urme33, আমি @nathanmars7 প্রেরণ করেছি, যাতে আপনাকে আরো ভালো মন্তব্য করতে উৎসাহিত করতে পারি । লিঙ্ক https://steemit.com/comment/@nathanmars7/can-you-please-someone-kindly-teach-my-friend-urme33-how-to-leave-a-meaningful-comment-thanks
steemit মন্তব্য বিশাল, বিশেষ করে যখন আমরা প্রথম steemit শুরু করি । সে তোমাকে বন্ধু হিসেবে খুঁজে পায়, তাই এটা তাঁর কাছে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ । আমরা যখন বন্ধু এবং সমর্থক খুঁজে পাই আমরা তাদের রাখতে চাই, তাই না? তাই আমাকে শুধু মন্তব্য সম্পর্কে নিচের কথা বলা যাক:
আপনার হৃদয় থেকে লেখালেখি জরুরি ।
এমন একটি পোস্ট থেকে কিছু চয়ন করুন যা আপনি আপনার চোখে ধরা পড়েছেন এবং তা প্রকাশ করেছেন কিভাবে আপনি অনুভব করেছেন ।
মন্তব্যের অনুলিপি এবং প্রতিলেপন করুন এবং ন্যূনতম সময়ে ত্রুটি রাখার চেষ্টা করবেন না ।
আপনি কোন ব্লগ মন্তব্য লিখতে পারবেন না কিন্তু কিছু মানুষ সত্যিই তাদের ভালবাসেন ।
পরিষ্কার, concise আবার আন্তরিক ।
হ্যালো, আমি ফটোগ্রাফি এবং ফুল ভালবাসি! যা ধরলে আমার চোখ ছিল তোমার রঙিন ফুল আর আমার প্রিয় ছিল হলুদ । আমি সত্যিই কোণ ও পথ পছন্দ করি
Thank you for your advice.I am glad to you for your help
Another Microsoft Translate:
hallo@urme33,ami@nathanmars7preran karechi,jate apnake aro valo mantabya karte utsahit karte paris।linkhttps://steemit.com/comment/@nathanmars7/can-you-please-someone-kindly-teach-my-friend-urme33-how-to-leave-a-meaningful-comment-thanks
steemitmantabya vishal,bishesh kore jakhan amra alamdadsteemitshuru kari।se tomake bandhu hissebe khunje pay,tai eta tanr kache gurutvapurna।amra jakhan bandhu ebang samarthak khunje pie amra tader rakhte chai,tai na?tai amake sudhu mantabya samparke nicher katha bala ack:upner hridaya theke lekhalekhi joruri।amon ectie post theke kishu choyn karun ja upony upner chokhe dhara padrechen ebang ta prakash karechen kivabey upony anubhav karechen।montabyer anulipi ebang pratilepan karun ebang nyuntam somoye truti rakhar chesta corben na।upony con blog mantabya likhte parben na kintu kishu manush satyi tader valbasen।parishkar, conciseabar antrick।hamon,
Urme:hallo,ami phtography ebang phool valbasi!ja dharle amar chokh chil tomar rangin phool rupett amar priya chil hollood।ami satyi kon and path pachanda kari
এমআমি গুগল অনুবাদ এবং মাইক্রোসফট অনুবাদ ব্যবহার https://www.bing.com/translator?ref=TThis&&text=Hello%20there%20%40urme33%2C%20I%20have%20been%20sent%20by%20%40nathanmars7%20to%20help%20encourage%20you%20to%20make%20better%20comments.%20The%20link%20https%3A%2F%2Fsteemit.com%2Fcomment%2F%40nathanmars7%2Fcan-you-please-someone-kindly-teach-my-friend-urme33-how-to-leave-a-meaningful-comment-thanks%0A%0AOn%20steemit%20comments%20are%20huge%2C%20especially%20when%20we%20first%20start%20engaging%20on%20steemit.%20He%20finds%20you%20to%20be%20a%20friend%2C%20so%20this%20is%20important%20to%20him.%20When%20we%20find%20friends%20and%20supporters%20we%20want%20to%20keep%20them%2C%20right%3F%20So%20let%20me%20just%20say%20the%20following%20about%20comments%3A%0A%0AWriting%20from%20your%20heart%20is%20important.%0APicking%20something%20from%20a%20post%20that%20you%20found%20caught%20your%20eye%20and%20expressing%20how%20it%20made%20you%20feel.%0ADo%20not%20copy%20and%20paste%20comments%20and%20try%20to%20keep%20errors%20at%20a%20minimum.%0AYou%20do%20not%20have%20to%20write%20a%20blog%20comment%20but%20some%20people%20really%20love%20them.%0ABe%20clear%2C%20concise%20and%20again%20heartfelt.%0AFor%20instance%2C%0A%0AUrme%3A%0A%0AHello%2C%20I%20love%20photography%20and%20flowers%20too!%20What%20caught%20my%20eye%20was%20your%20colorful%20flowers%20and%20my%20favorite%20was%20the%20yellow%20ones.%20I%20really%20like%20the%20angle%20and%20the%20way&from=&to=bn-BD
আমি আপনাদের পোস্ট এবং মন্তব্যে ইংরেজী এবং বাংলা উভয়ের জন্য এটি ব্যবহার করার পরামর্শ দিচ্ছি ।
আন্তরিক শুভেছা
I used google translate and Microsoft translate, the link is above^^,I suggest you use this for both English and Bangla in your posts and comments.
Kind regardsami google anubad ebang meicrosphet anubad babhar karechihttps://www.bing.com/translator?ref=TThis&&text=Hello%20there%20%40urme33%2C%20I%20have%20been%20sent%20by%20%40nathanmars7%20to%20help%20encourage%20you%20to%20make%20better%20comments.%20The%20link%20https%3A%2F%2Fsteemit.com%2Fcomment%2F%40nathanmars7%2Fcan-you-please-someone-kindly-teach-my-friend-urme33-how-to-leave-a-meaningful-comment-thanks%0A%0AOn%20steemit%20comments%20are%20huge%2C%20especially%20when%20we%20first%20start%20engaging%20on%20steemit.%20He%20finds%20you%20to%20be%20a%20friend%2C%20so%20this%20is%20important%20to%20him.%20When%20we%20find%20friends%20and%20supporters%20we%20want%20to%20keep%20them%2C%20right%3F%20So%20let%20me%20just%20say%20the%20following%20about%20comments%3A%0A%0AWriting%20from%20your%20heart%20is%20important.%0APicking%20something%20from%20a%20post%20that%20you%20found%20caught%20your%20eye%20and%20expressing%20how%20it%20made%20you%20feel.%0ADo%20not%20copy%20and%20paste%20comments%20and%20try%20to%20keep%20errors%20at%20a%20minimum.%0AYou%20do%20not%20have%20to%20write%20a%20blog%20comment%20but%20some%20people%20really%20love%20them.%0ABe%20clear%2C%20concise%20and%20again%20heartfelt.%0AFor%20instance%2C%0A%0AUrme%3A%0A%0AHello%2C%20I%20love%20photography%20and%20flowers%20too!%20What%20caught%20my%20eye%20was%20your%20colorful%20flowers%20and%20my%20favorite%20was%20the%20yellow%20ones.%20I%20really%20like%20the%20angle%20and%20the%20way&from=&to=bn-BDmuhammad
ami apnader post ebang mantabye ingressy ebang bangla uvoyer janya attey babhar karir paramarsh dichchi।antrick subhesha
Thank you I am use of google translate but I don't understand English write post meaning.
I can write english but I can't not understand English blog.