I rarely discuss or openly share the nuances of being a massage therapist, who was trained in the old world ways of manual therapies.
There is a huge difference between the way I was trained as a therapist back in the late 80s, and the way individuals are trained and educated today, some 30 years later.
Yesterday morning (6:30 am) the conditions were perfect for a “hydrotherapy application” called Dew Walking.
The technique matches the title. You simply walk in very early morning, thick dew, in your bare feet (for at least 5 minutes) but you can walk as long as you’d like.
I usually just make several trips back and forth across the whole length of my backyard.
Traditional this is done to create a vascular pumping action within the body.
In general terms, this cardiovascular pump is created when you go from a warmer ambient temperature (like that generally found inside a house) to a cooler temperature (like that found in the early morning, before the sun has had a chance to evaporate the dew from the grass) outside.
What we are talking about is usually a 5-6 degree separation in temperature difference. It’s subtle but surprisingly invigorating.
Here’s Why:
When the body’s blood vessels are warm, they are dialated. When you expose these tissues to cooler outside temperatures, they quickly constrict.
This creates a pumping action that has the ability to move inflammation...especially if the person makes an effort to walk briskly.
It’s also a gentler way of strengthening a body’s immune system.
(The more aggressive way is to go from a hot pool, sauna or steam room and then immediately dip the body into a cold ice water bath. Alternatively, one could roll in the snow, if they resided in a northern climate.)
With the more aggressive versions, some care should be exercised if a person is not in sound cardiac health. Going from hot to cold really quickly can over-tax a compromised cardiovascular system and it can dislodge blood clots, for those who might be prone. Dew Walking is gentle and doesn’t put any aggressive strain on the body’s systems. It just gives the micro-circulation and the lymphatic system a little bit of an added boost.
As a therapist, I often recommend alternating hot and cold packs in various positions on the body. Especially for anyone who is afflicted by trapped inflammation due to a chronic injury and I think that their condition warrants the use of this pumping effect.
The position of the packs are determined by where the inflammation is trapped and where you intend to reposition it. The goal being to move the inflammation to the closest larger cluster of lymph nodes for processing.
These seemly antiquated techniques have worked for hundreds of years.
Now days, people just medicate with over the counter, non-prescription pain and inflammation medications like Tylenol and Advil.
Unfortunately, these substances are not a viable long term solution because they damage the lining of the small intestine, over time.
Another benefit of an early morning Dew Walk is that it “grounds” a person and gives them an immediate connection to Mother Earth.
Dew Walking is a wonderful way to balance all the blue light pollution we are inundated with, due to screen time and artificial light exposure.
After you are finished walking, your feet will feel refreshed and light.
You’ll need to wash and dry them off, so be prepared with a bucket of water or a garden hose and a small towel.
I welcome your comments and I invite you to follow me on my journey...occasionally we will be walking in our bare feet, in the early morning dew.
~ Rebecca
Indeed, as you prvavilno noticed when walking barefoot on the grass, this is an unusual connection to the ground. You receive positive energy. I have not done this since my childhood.
It will recharge your soul and you'll feel like you're on top of the world...I wish this for you. ;)Ok then @magnata!...here is the challenge I put to you...make the effort to dew walk and bring back your childhood memories, my friend.
Wow .... I never thought of it that way. I'm doing that in the morning.
I don’t do it a lot but when I do, it puts me in a great mood for the whole day. Lol!Oh, I do hope you give this a try @bigblueleadsled!
Excellent photos and wonderful therapy, my friend and your method has a very beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. Well done! Thanks Rebecca
That's exactly right @serkagan! It will have a very beneficial effect on the general condition of the whole body and it costs nothing to do, except making the time to do so. ;)
Oh this sounds divine! Do I understand correctly that this will help with inflamation from arthritis in the knee? Does the constriction of the vessels reach that high? Or will the use of the hot/cold packs be better for that particular instance? I never thought about that but it makes perfect sense! I use the over the counter stuff just to make it to work lol.
You are a gem and I usually feel like I need to pay you for an office visit each time we talk LMAO
Once the meniscus wears out, the bones rub and this friction, triggers the bones to grow new bone mass. This sequence of events leads to what is known as osteoarthritis.
The most effective treatments for this condition is to restore the gait back to the body's original factory settings (lol!) and strengthen the muscles in the upper and lower leg to regain as much structural integrity within the joint as we can.
All of that, is another post unto itself.
Just exercise caution and don't try walking too fast (if you have a compromised knee joint and you try dew walking)...slipping on wet grass can further tear tissue.
In your everyday, good quality, lace up shoes with descent arch support and gel cushioning in the footbed is the best. No one should be wearing rigid ballerina flats or thin flip flops. :)Ultimately "yes" @tamaralovelace. In the case of knee joint inflammation, the effectiveness depends on the extent of the damage. Usually what happens in the knee, is that there will be an initial injury whereby the knee ligaments have been torn. The person will change the way they weight-bear to compensate for the pain with each step. After 6 weeks, these new walking patterns become hardwired into the muscles and connective tissue. Over time, this "work around" prematurely erodes the cartilage away. This cartilage is called meniscus and they are supposed to act like shock absorbers inside the knee and their function is to protect the bones in the upper and lower leg and minimize internal force.
That all makes perfect sense. I've been working on strengthening the leg muscles as part of an overall fitness regime. I thought I was losing my core strength but now I think it may be due to the change in weight-bearing, like you mentioned. I will be trying the dew walking . Oftentimes I go out in the grass barefooted, but haven't tried it in the dew .....yet!
Great! Let me know what you think, if you do give it a go.
I find it very invigorating. Really sets the tone for the whole day. ;)
Thanks, Rebecca! We appreciate your outlook and this information, considering you're uniquely qualified to be dispensing it. Right on! We have some patients within our ranks, as you know, so this will be passed on to all of them. Dew Walking.... an advanced Grounding technique! We like it. : )
A super lemon haze comes to mind.Right on @vantocan! I’m sure you can pair the perfect strain with the activity...
Heheh, that sounds fun. Live resin perhaps!
In our latest post, we noted our account value has hit 7.10 ; )
You have really high arches.
This article made me think of Cody Lundin and also of Mick Dodge. Both men live mostly bare foot and off the grid as well. These guys are very interesting, especially Mick Dodge. Mick has tree roots tattooed on his feet to represent being grounded to the earth.
Wow! Bet that artwork was painful to have tattooed.
Just so I’m clear, you’ll need to proceed with caution if you try dew walking. Take your time so you don’t slip,. Then, I’d try putting a travel sock on. This is a lesser grade compression sock (not as tight and easier to put on) but I was thinking (any you should be very afraid) that if we got the inflammation down in your foot, then used compression on the foot it would support the structures and hold everything in...like a nice tight package...could help to keep the hardware from moving so much and keep the inflammation from building so badly through the day...you can buy travellers socks for under $20 at Walmart. Might work?
wow sir excellent photography... awesome sir..thanks for sharing this post.
Thank you so much, you're awesome! 👍
PS: I'm a Madame...not a Sir. ;)Thanks @nahidhasanemon!
What about going out in the snow naked, does that count?
Overlook the psychotic look on my face, I just woke up that day and was excited to see snow :)
Haha! Yes.
Hib@rebeccaryan nice read 👍 in India we also prefer to have morning dew walk...as said it connect directly to earth and helps to relax a lot also there is a say that..such walk help in good eyesight.
Thanks for sharing some useful inisght with your therapy experince.😉
Posted using Partiko Android
This is great information @steemflow! Interesting about the eyesight support...but there's a lot to be said for getting outside and away from the blue light of computers, cell phones and florescent lighting.
Pretty hard @rebeccaryan humans are now addicted to the blue light. They sleep with them.and wakes up with them, eat with them. They need to aware of the drawback for long term.
Posted using Partiko Android
Hmm. Dew walking. I didnt know It was a thing!. Thats probably why! I go outside to take my morning Tom Hanks.And enjoy it so much. lol.
Refreshing walk barefoot in the dew grass and deep breaths of crisp morning air. Wakes me up more energized and in a better humour.....If you have dogs just tread lightly. trust me.
Good Post!
Hahaha! Yes, it's a real thing.
I don't actually have a name for the kind of therapy that you've eluded to...but I've learned not to "knock anything" until you try it. LOL! I will also add, that we can only be as healthy as our intestines are and if a person can tell time by theirs, it's all good. Can imagine that level of potential squish between my toes, though...hahaha!