Before 2 to 3 months Eth Value was 60$ now you can see its price. Its last price is during the pumping 379$.
You know its buying time for your bright future....
My advice to all crypto traders please buy ETH and LTC for good earning...
NOw ETH price is 237$ and its last price is 379$
The decision is in your hands and see what will be happened....
The game is young. Crypto will chang the world. We Don't know if the best one for use had even been created yet. It won't be back bitcoin I know that.
best of luck to all crypto traders...
I agree. Several experts actually speculate ETH taking over Bitcoin in the long run.
Also, if you bought ETH in the last dip, you did well! I bought some when it dropped to $170.
Hmm great good thinking of buying....