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in #eth8 years ago

Wow, this post is so wrong, it's actually hard to start picking it apart. It seems someone has been calling Ethereum a scam for so long he can't admit he missed out.

Ethereum is not supposed to be a virtual computer or server in any sense like that. It would be the slowest most pricey one you could ever have.

It built to be a fully secure, trusted link of smart contract transactions. Basically replaces entire middlemen and industries built to be trusted third parties.

That's why the DTCC (who settled $1.7 quadrillion securities worldwide in 2011) is building on Ethereum, why Singapore is investigating it for their national currency, why hundreds of companies are building on it. It saves them extreme amounts of money in technology and labor cost.

And beyond all that power, it will still be a much better store of value than Bitcoin. Next year the inflation rate of Ethereum will drop to 1% or possibly even negative. It's out there, read the roadmap. Bitcoin will be at 3.91% inflation until mid-2020 and then be at a 1.73% inflation until at least 2024. Bitcoin's inflation won't drop as low as Ethereum's will be for at least 12 years.


I'm sorry but you don't know what the hell you're talking about, at all. Not in any way, shape or form. Ethereum IS a decentralized virtual computer, that's like its entire gimmick as a "cryptocurrency", it's a decentralized virtual computer that runs scripts (smart contracts) written in solidity, an "almost javascript" language. THAT'S ITS POINT.

As far as it being built to "be a fully secure, trusted link of smart contract transactions", I think the DAO indicated that it doesn't guarantee security at all, that vulnerable code has been implemented before and probably will be again. Recall the whole hard-fork debacle? Yeah, the core devs really didn't handle the DAO hack well, not well at all. So when another set of smart contracts gets hacked for another $50 million USD, are they going to hard fork again? Create a third currency? Why can't you give me one good real world use it fulfills better than existing technology? Oh wait, IT'S BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY.

Singapore is investigating it for their national currency, you say? BULLSHIT. No nation-state is going to build the foundation of their economy on some third-party created and controlled cryptocurrency, THAT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

Hosting is cheap these days, there's no "extreme amounts of money in technology and labor cost" being saved by using Ethereum rather than hosting your own solution in a decentralized cloud.

Finally, your last paragraph about inflation that completed your reply fully illustrates that you exist in a total vacuum of any understanding whatsoever. It had me scratching my head for a moment going, "what the hell is this clown talking about, inflation?" Son, you're confusing issuance with inflation, two so completely separate things where crypto is concerned that you'd think you'd have been able to figure that out before you got here and save me the trouble of schooling you. Now where fiat currency like the USD is concerned issuance and inflation are closely related, but are not so closely connected once we're in the crypto realm. You should've realized this yourself when you were bragging about how Ethereum "is a much better store of value than Bitcoin." Uhhh, did you happen to notice that over the past 7 days with ETH's price dropping from $290 to $240 that ETH lost almost 20% of its value? Lost 20% in one week, Bitcoin did not during this same time frame. Plus, the total number of BTC is hard-capped at 21 million, that's the max that can ever be in circulation. ETH already has 93 million in circulation... I'm unable to see what point you clearly failed to make. Go read more, come back in a few years.

I'm not upset from "missing out" as you put it either, I did very well when I was in ETH and continued to do well after moving on from it. This is more of a public service announcement because I know there are plenty of uneducated ETH fanboys out there like yourself that might stay in ETH when they should dump it (you clowns lost like 20% in just the past week, get out already it's never going to overtake BTC).

You've got all the knowledge, understanding and insight here though so why don't you just hold onto it and prove the adults wrong eh kiddo?