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RE: - The Unstoppable Ethereum Smart Contract

in #eth6 years ago (edited)

"People paid 10s of thousands of dollars for kitties nobody wants, the kitties are worthless without new buyers etc." No they are cute collectibles, a bad idea not a ponzi....

"You should spread love not war. You accusing it of being a ponzi is offensive" I love to spread love, not to ponzi schemes though...

"If you ask a question, allow the answer to be viewable. That's fair no?"
Very, but there was no question asked, just a defensive statement on a lame ponzi... I am beeing civilized and rational, I think this deserves flagging and cautios handeling, it might rip someone off otherwies....

"I'm open to chatting, the developer is there as well, and you can have a genuine conversation and see what that community is about and why it is doing this project"*

He should talk to the guy promoting it like a ponzi and defending it with the definition of a ponzi, not me I do not care what so ever and have no interest in the project...

"Because you're being a child." Yeah some users always call other users a child or W/E, which proves you have nothing to add and took it personal, which I do not and I am not offended...... Move on...

Stop discussing me and explain why its no PONZI what is this??


No, you're just saying you don't like this kind of dapp for subjective reasons, but it doesn't make you right. It only makes it right for you not to participate, right? You don't get to define dapps as ponzis. Its a dapp, you don't like it that's cool. Again, open to having a conversation with you in discord.

I did no definition of a ponzi, it is already very clear and stated in earlier comments. All i did was see similarities and call it for what I see, If you do not agree, move on or buy it I do not care, it is your money!

I don't really mind you saying anything. In that same right, you made a comment and then flagged a response. Act like an adult and unflag the comments so we can have an open honest discussion I will ask those who flagged your comment to do the same. Lead by example.

I flagged the post, which is selling a ponzi scheme, I flagged the comment defending the same Ponzi scheme.... I will keep flagging ponzi schemes since they rip of everyone but the first 10% of the investors often... These projects are the worst thing that can happen to block chains like ETH... Is the EXACT same thing lol 10% fee ponzi scheme same as Fomo3D, this is nothing new its like the 4th identical ponzi scheme I know about on the ETH chain, Is the code on the smart contract also a copy I wounder, gotta check it out!

Go buy bitconneeeeeect :P

4th, hmm... thank you for proving my point, you don't know what you're talking about. Should do some real research, and come back when you have your facts straight. By far dickheads like you are the worst thing to happen to steem blockchain, and the reason many are looking for alternatives you weakling. You don't even post for months and you get to dictate what gets posted or commented? Now when you get a taste of your own medicine let's see if you feel the same. I won't be flagging comments , it'll be posts.

Still talking about me lol you have a chance to explain why its no ponzi and why you behave like a school girl but nooo just ramble on ...
Powh3d / powh4d / p3x / IND / fomo3d, the list goes on..

I'm going to meme you and you comment trail upvoters so hard. The saying, "the same thing that makes you laugh, is the same thing that makes you cry. Now at some point you're going to cry to someone when I make sure you can't comment and then someone might care and stick up for you for a little while. And thensokn after, it won't be worth their time. In the end, it'll just be me and you.

You're not the only one with a few accounts loaded with some extra steem. The eyes have it.

You are the epitome of what is wrong with steemit and you're playing with the investment of everyone in this platform. If you want to play this game so be it.

Having a conversation was pointless the moment you began flagging comments. You don't want to have a conversation, you want to be a power hungry little bitch. I don't agree with that. There are women vlogging showing themselves naked potentially with children viewing this platform and tits and ass are just a click away. You don't have a problem with that on here, but have a problem with a blockchain related post... On a blockchain forum... Hmm...

People are posting pictures of a plate of food and earning with a sentence, but this bothers you? Okay....

I don't care if you define this dapp as a PONZI, you are entitled to do so. You can even flag the post. But you showed yourself to be the man-bitch you are on your period when you flagged comments after starting a conversation.

Agree to disagree, but if you think you are going to bully people into your narrow point of view in conversation, you've got a reality check coming. No sense in arguing with fools, I attempted to be reasonable. Way past that now. Enjoy 🎭