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RE: Time to buy ETH in prep for EOS crowdsale

in #ethereum8 years ago

Its been 3 days since u posted this! total cryptocurrency marketcap at 114 Billion With ethereum is at 36 Billion dollars and then bitcoin at 44 Billion dollars
So at this rate of growth of bitcoin and ethereum, with ethereum growing faster, ethereum only needs to reach a price of $495 to become Bigger than bitcoin! Thats all it needs! And then Etherem will be number 1! Im surprised noone in the bitcoin community has tried to just assassinate Vitalik (God Forbid) to show how a centralized system can never compete with the security of a decentralied system like bitcoin....which woul have its price soar if ethereums creator Vitalik was killed...someone on ethtraderpro an btctalkforum yesterday discussiied this saying "How can anyone take bitcoinseriously if no blood is spilled over it" it was a dark post! but I have to admit i could see certain bitcoin investors wanting to turn their millions into billions nd yes people would have someeon killed to mak e millions much less billions!

anyway this is very iimportant to clairfy the EOS problem of using EOS on ethereum or if they would run etheum on EOS! they are both virtual machinees right And EOS is just newer than ethereum! its bound to be better if the people behind it are as competitint as people behind EThereum!

And also EOOS is from creators of steemit and bitshares so one day soon we will be able to integrate bitshares maybe through openledger AND with this new EOS project, and we will be able to do some crazy stuff if we had EOS integrated intos teemit! wsteemit would have a sort of Etheruem type super compyter potential if we got all our steemit usersto do a web browser mining sort of ooperation The sy is te limit! imagine what steemit will be able to do in a few years from now!

they will have gambing with peerplays we will have Augur type reputaions showing who can predict the future the best we will have a ffull on sttore with products that you can selll and have in your pfofile, (theyll be an extra page in ur pfofule showing ur Steemit Shop with prodcuts ppeople can by and sell with steemdollars!

I cant wait for steemit to reallly get interesting in terms of the features and stuff well be able to do! already we can do more t han reddit ever could! no mony in reddit! they had a chance with dogetip bt an dogecoincoul have been offical coin for reddit kram and they could have haded out dogecoin in terms of who had most karma, but NOPE reddit will neever do something like thatreddit wants its users poor