Why would this guy try and use child porn in an analogy, especially with the insane amount of pedophiles that are being uncovered now all around the globe?
When I first saw this hit the net I just assumed it was taken out of context, then I looked into it, read the twitter thread and ended up on steem... lot's of emotions and knee-jerk reactions flying all around over it now, but it's still right there for all to read.
The only question I have... is this his verified twitter account and did he make a statement about his comments?
I say that because it's obvious that there's an ongoing campaign and agenda to condition people into accepting and being lenient towards pedophiles. Just look at mainstream cultural engineering and you can spot it all over the place by by various useful idiots of the world, especially in the entertainment industry. - For someone so smart, he's being either a dumb-ass or maybe there's some truth to what's being said.