Hello friends,
I have done some immense research on where to invest your little money and get returns in highest form possible. My top 5 cryptocurrencies to invest on
- Ethereum
- Ripple
- Golem
- Monero
I didnt nclude Bitcoin in my list because it's too much for most of the people. If you are looking to start with small amounts these are the top ones I would suggest.
Comment on what you people think.
Why golem and nem. Would love to see you Post some research.
Ripple will do well. It's one of the few coins with sales profits. Ether is spooky as a long term investment. By theory it's just a contract not designed to be a store of value. But that's besides the point because it is a store of value.
I have golem and ethereum. Why do you say golem and NEM? Why do you think they are good to invest in?
but litecoin tho, how u gonna leave litecoin out n expect people to take u seriously???
Yes litecoin is good too, but as per my personal opinion will not last longer. I may be wrong.
Your reasoning not to push BTC is flawed. You don't have to buy BTC's in integer multiples of 1 BTC. In fact, you can trade BTC in shatoshi multiples, with 1 sathosi = 0.00000001 BTC.
Milestones to watch for on that list:
Golem (Brass release) Was scheduled for May 2017 pushed out a few months, anytime now.
NEM (Catapult release) Exact date is unknown as they release stuff unannounced like ninjas.
Both are scheduled for 2017 release dates.