The BitDegree crowdsale will begin this Friday on December 1st, 2017. There are only 660 million BitDegree tokens (BDG) in circulation, and we do not want you or any other token sale participants to miss out on this unique opportunity to reinvent education.
To buy your BitDegree tokens, and to find out everything you need to know about them, read the steps below!
• BitDegree tokens can only be bought using Ether, the Ethereum currency (ETH) or any other cryptocurrency using Tokenlot. Therefore you will need to create an ether wallet. Read our guide about how create an ethereum wallet and buy BitDegree tokens here!
• BitDegree tokens are bought via the BitDegree smart contract, which is placed on the blockchain. An address to the smart contract will be published on at 14:00 UTC, Friday December 1st, 2017. After you make your purchase, your BDG will be immediately transferred to your Ether wallet. You can discover how the BitDegree smart contract works on Github.
• We have a set a hard-cap of 30,000 ETH (approximately $12.5 million USD) and we are not making any pre-sales or deals with cryptocurrency ‘whales’. We believe that this inclusive approach will help transform potential BitDegree token buyers into fully-fledged BitDegree token holders, and lead to the creation of the BitDegree community. Read the BitDegree pledge here, which outlines the guarantees we have made to all of our token sale participants and token holders.
• We have safety precautions to protect you, your ether, and your BDG against cybercriminals. Whilst we are taking the maximum security measures to make our smart contract more secure, moving your ETH from the smart contract to external wallets increases the security of your funds. Here is the framework of the security measures we will use during the token crowdsale.
• BitDegree’s token sale has been approved by the National Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos bankas). This means that our token sale is one of the very few in the world that has been approved by the national bank and supervisory body of financial market participants of its country of operation. Lithuania is a European Union member and is part of the Eurozone.
• BDG’s value has been underwritten by Hostinger, a well-established web hosting business that generates millions in real revenue each year. Hostinger is BitDegree’s main founder and co-partner. Hostinger promises to accept BDG at their sale price in exchange for the equivalent value in web hosting services for the first year. This means that you can be 100 percent sure of your token’s value, because it is backed by Hostinger services. Read more about this topic here.
• BDG will be sent to each token sale participant immediately. The Token is ERC-20 standard, meaning it can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. The exchanges listing BDG will be announced after the token sale. The token will become tradable two weeks after the hard cap is reached.
You can read more about BitDegree’s promise to ensure transparency, honesty, and fairness in its token crowdsale pledge here.
Any more questions? Send us an email to [email protected], or drop in for a chat on Telegram!
Let's do this! :D