Met Dr. Gavin Woods at the local ethereum meetup today

in #ethereum7 years ago

Gavin was the original CTO of Ethereum. He was here to talk about his new project ambrosus and polkadot. He also answered some questions about parity and more. Was a great experience.


So you are two brother I like picture so handsome brother

thanks so much holl boll!

That would've been a great experience! I'm a big fan of Ethereum and its team!

Wow what a legend, thats awesome man! I would love to see that parity convo, also from what ive heard polkadot sounds cool im ready to jump on the hype already haha.

yeah, i hope he comes back to hong kong again!

Nice pic, I wish him success with his current projects :)

Looks like a great time and awesome experience! Enjoy!

Good post!

Nice experience

Will you also post a video about the meetup/ the new projects?

Also wondering if you will attend 2017 DACA 区块链国际高峰论坛 in Beijing? ( It looks very interesting, they have a lot guests, even from the government side. Da Hongfei and Bobby Lee are also invited. Would be great if you can cover it. Sadly I am not in China right now, otherwise I would definitely go.