Haters FUD, Lovers Love and Your Crypto Mindset

in #ethereum6 years ago (edited)

You gotta roll with it. Sometimes things aren’t as clear and straight as you would like it to be. Other times you can be riding so high only to be taken down so low so abruptly. One day the moon, the next day only empty stars. You get the picture. It’s how we deal with it that makes or breaks us.


Crypto has never been for the faint of heart. You must have a strong mind and understand that all things are never as they seem. You could turn 1000 to 10,000 than end up losing it all. The point is always to take out your ROI first when you can. That is the rule of thumb.

I’ve been in good and bad projects. 2018 was a year of many up and downs and realizations. I’m a guy looking for the right project and have very big crypto dreams.

At the same time I have had many disappointments. Many challenges. I have met good people. I have met people who are the nicest one day than a total stranger the next. I’ve had people take advantage of me. I’ve had people run off with my ETH.

But one thing is I don’t sit here and cry about it and blame other people for it. I have always taken ownership of my decisions. Because that is crypto.

What has made me different from others is that I do believe in people. And I want to do what is right and good for others. It’s funny though that some people insist on being so negative even when I am working so hard to spread positivity and comradre.

I don’t have time for it so I keep pushing on. That is the best thing to do. Don’t let others negativity weigh you down. It simply is not worth it. Two negatives don’t make a positive.

The crypto journey is not an easy one. But I prefer to travel with those who are serious about growing crypto and chasing there big crypto dreams.

I will keep building. I will keep making my videos and I’ll call it as I see it. And I’ll share what I can and be here to support my communities to the best of my ability.

Always do your own diligence. Don’t take my word for it. So many factors need to be in place to take things to the moon. But let’s do what we can together and help each other along the way.

Crypto is what you make of it. If you want to surround yourself with FUD and call everything a scam and blame others for your losses, you have a lot to learn. You may need a good serving of some “humble pie”.

Take ownership of your decisions. Be realistic. Find others who share the same values who are positive, analytic and are focused on growth. That is where you will grow the most.

Crypto is for the strong minded. You are the sum of who you surround yourself with.

Keep it real, keep it positive.
