What will be the price of ETHEREUM (ETH) on the 22nd of August - at 01:04 PM, UTC+03:00 time zone?
CLOSEST Prediction wins all Liquid SBD and Steem from this post
Now it is a good time to predict some high prices as the market is slowly getting better
Picture Source: https://www.Pixabay.com
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You must place your bet by a comment until 20th of August - at 01:00 PM, UTC+03:00 time zone
You will be replied on your comment by confirming your qualification and freezing your prediction
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Each account is allowed to have only one prediction
The prediction must me placed in USD and will be checked using https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethereum/
The comment with the closest prediction gets 100% of All Liquid SBD and Steem from this post
With this being said, we wish you all the good luck from the world.
You can see more information and a technical analysis including Ethereum and why it is one of the best Cryptocurrencies in the world
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my prediction is 290 $
Sorry @jigsindian. You could not be qualified as your prediction was with a couple of hours after the deadline.
its okay for that @coinsquad