Cats Went Crypto First, Now It's Time for Consumers

in #ethereum7 years ago

From Coindesk

I admittedly wasn't investing in any cryptocurrency in the early 2010s.

By this time last year, I was reading CoinDesk's 2016 Year in Review, just starting to fully grasp what the power of distributed ledgers and decentralized networks could mean for our future and our society. And despite all that, I am now standing alongside a team who are pioneering entrepreneurship and innovation in the blockchain space.

Don't let this year's unprecedented growth in the crypto community fool you. We are not late to the party, we are very early — we're still the Neil Armstrongs of our time, especially if we focus our efforts in the right places. What we've seen in 2017 is just a sneak peak of what's coming. The new year will bring a lot more talent, more revolutionary ideas and new cats to the blockchain.

We’ll also see a whole bunch of new consumers as well.

The shift begins
A few weeks ago we launched CryptoKitties, a game where users can buy, collect, breed and sell genetically unique, digital cats on the blockchain. Technically speaking, they are non-fungible tokens on the ethereum network that implement the ERC-721 token standard proposal, recently created by our technical architect and co-founder Dieter Shirley.

I keep saying it and I will say it again. This year is going to eclipse last year as adoption hits the mainstream

Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Read more: Follow @contentjunkie to stay up to date on more great posts like this one.

Anybody who came in before 2017 are the real winners but i do think there is still a long way to before the peak. There are so many new innovations happening that more people are being drawn to the blockhain.

I think the crypto market will replace fiat and fractional reserve fraud banking, then it will have a multi trillion $ value, sky is the limit still.

It already is, man Steem up from about 3.00 to over $7.25 today! Wow. I was buying as much Steem as I could at 0.80 cents, just wish I sold everything else and doubled down. Oh well, I am very grateful for the amazing gains I have seen so far, and I agree you are likely right, this year will be even better. God willing.

Blessings to you.

How much is STEEM going to be this time next year then?

I myself just found out about this@contentjunkie Thank you, you have provided an important news here,

great work my friend... I would love to play that game and have some cryptokitties....

Even the person that just signed up for Steemit yesterday is still an early adopter, there is so much potential for everyone here, not only thru STEEM, but taking all the opportunities to learn about the universe of crypto and blockchain. The future is here !

I have only been here 2 weeks, and some of the people on here blow me away with the knowledge they have, and not only the knowledge, the presentation of it also, I have learned so much in 2 weeks and all for free, amazing and fascinating, I signed up here on another account around a year ago, and left, wish I had stuck around now.

If I went crypto everybody can.
I also met far better biz treatment while dealing with the crypto oriented clients, than regular FIAT people.