Ethereum at $257.65! Wow! Rising Rapidly

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)

I expect Ethereum to keep following its big brother bitcoin and rise much higher. I watch the value of the Dollar like a hawk everyday and it is under more selling pressure. Currently at 96.73. I haven't seen it this low in at lease 1 year. I live overseas so I am always wanting to convert my dollars into the local currency at the right times. For instance... 1800 shekels cost me last year $472. Right now to pull out 1800 shekels costs me around $505. So 1800 shekels now costs me an extra $33. That bites seeing as how I do most everything in cash. I believe the shakiness of the U.S. Dollar has many buying up bitcoin, ethereum and the like. If the dollar happens to by some miracle go back up then I'm looking to see the crypto's come back down. We all know that the U.S. Dollar is still king. May not be for long however. The more people get worried, and see the returns on crypto's, then its like the Titanic hitting the iceberg. In this sense the people, us, are the iceberg. Good luck to all crypto holders. You are doing well.


Eth is going to the moon broski.

I was a little late to the party on Ether, my friend told me to buy when they were at $15
I finally got in at $210
Still think there is a long way to go

You are in. That's what counts. I believe it will surprise you. Congrats.

Yeah! When I saw it yesterday night, I was really surprised. Being that it is two weeks ago I checked it last.

Nice share @crowe. RS.

I saw it at $9 a month back

Steem at $257 and rising.

That would make a better headline ;)

Anyone here who knows how to code an Ethereum token?

Liked your analogy with an iceberg. However the truth is we are also passengers too :)

Hmm. On this I must ponder. Cheers.