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RE: I can't let this go yet. Why is Vitalik trashing Cryptos? My comment to him

in #ethereum7 years ago

Yes traditional assets are perfectly safe lol. And Ford is a great investment. Just look at the stock performance since it hit highs in the late 1990's around $36 and dropped to $4 a decade later and has never gone higher than about $18 since. That sure looks like a downward channel the past 3 years and now the stocks is trading around $10. Sure looks like a promising chart doesn't it?


As for the German auto makers...well they make good cars but the "clean diesel" disaster that hit VW some years ago isn't just contained to VW and the fallout continues to this day although many don't realize it. Many auto companies manufacture these supposedly "clean emission vehicles" that are rigged with inspection-defeat devices to pass regulatory tests in a lab setting but pollute like crazy on the road. Surely that couldn't pose a risk to their stock prices if there were some headline to come out in the news about a similar incident to the one with VW years ago but for another auto maker.

Netflix's "dirty money" series details the whole emissions scandal in the first episode. Here's a little tidbit from the news awhile back regarding the documentary, the scandal, etc.

Buterin shouldn't be giving financial advice to people like this. Especially with it being questionable at best regarding the companies he mentioned investing in.


If you start looking at splits and dividends Ford didn’t do that bad. Also I don’t think anyone said stocks are safe. There’s things like bonds, precious metals, real estate, etc. that one, if smart, can use to maintain wealth.

Crypto is the wilds west. If you know tech, can run wallets, and make smart investments you’ll be fine(like with stock). However, there’s also bitconnect, fake icos, pump and dumps, hackers, etc. that the average unintelligent investor will probably fall victim to and lose their money(even icon had issues). If someone put their life savings in and lost it all they’d probably kill themselves.

Sure. I agree that caution is needed in the wild west of cryptos. BUT, Vitalik, the creator and "CEO" of Ethereum, the second largest crypto currency/token, is NOT the correct person to be telling us this. We hear this every goddamn day from the media and every "sensible" snowflake do-gooder on twitter and god knows where. No need for the core crypto people to spread more FUD. Cryptos are subjected to so much FUD it's ridiculous. It's a 500 billion market..half the size of Apple.

I don’t think this is FUD more a reasonable approach. Plus a lot of the people listening to him aren’t exactly following mainstream news.

Also I believe Apple has more users than crypto, but they’re completely different beasts.

Peaked around $4.22, dropped to $0.003, never gotten over $0.05 since...

There’s tons of failed cryptocurrencies too...


Thanks man, glad you liked my comment :)

I just wish I has some money to play the stock market.....not yet, let's hope soon