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RE: Where is Ethereum going?

in #ethereum7 years ago

I would say just hold. Truth is I have a feeling that it would go even lower, but I'm not selling because I believe I'm not smarter than the market and I'm not able to look at the charts all day long. If I sell now, and it goes lower tomorrow I'll think I'm right and then it goes all the waaay back up at 3AM in the morning while I'm sleeping. Then I would've missed the train.


My thoughts exactly. The sleepless nights looking at the charts and trying to time the market correctly is just not worth it for me. I only have a few hundred bucks invested, tho it's a different matter if you've got like tens of thousands invested then by all means forget about sleep! ;)

It's about 10k right now :0
It's difficult.
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.

Yeah I kinda think that too. But I don't want to lose what I e made. If only we had the time to sit and play the crypto market all day. We'd either be millionaires or broke.
Thanks for your time buddy.