I offered my readers a survey. You're not one of my readers but the readers can give me feedback on what kind of posts they like to see and on what they think.
The economics encourage as many posts per day as you can make. The economics favor this because back in the day new bloggers like you were making these few sentence posts and complaining about bloggers writing long articles getting $500 a post. So they flattened things out quite a bit, but as we see there are always going to be some bloggers who don't want to put in the effort and who complain.
What matters to me is whether bloggers who put in an equal amount of effort to me are getting noticed. If not then I would agree there is a problem. But a blogger who posts once a week with a few sentences cannot be shocked if they don't get noticed.
We are not talking about me. We are talking about you taking same amount of money for few sentences and reference link.