Learning Crypto: What is a Ðapp?

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)

I decided to post a few of my thoughts as I go through learning what I have missed in the cryptocurrenty world. If nothing else it will be a way for me to look back at notes.
Time to get the thinking cap on! 🤔

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During my search one term I keep running in to is Ðapp, so tonight I wanted to focus on it.

What is a Ðapp

"It is something we invented."
-Fabian Vogelsteller | Ethereum

Ok...so this was something created by Ethereum. That sounds like a good start. We know where to start getting more details. Let's see what else we can find out.

"Dapp is an abbreviated form for decentralized application."
-Ethereum StackExchange

We know we are dealing with an application here. A piece of software that performs a given task. However, the decentralized part isn't clear on the surface.

"Decentralized means no node is instructing any other node as to what to do."
-Decentralized Applications | Siraj Raval

Ahh.. So the decentralized part means that no one node is in control. This is different from an application that is running from one server or your local machine. There is no one part of the system that has complete control or is the master of the others. It is decentralized. This makes sense because cryptocurrencies are peer to peer (P2P), which means nodes are able to talk to each other directly and no one node is a "master" of the other.

To make your Ðapp work on Ethereum, you can use the web3 object provided by the web3.js library.
-Web3 JavaScript Ðapp API

Ok, so we can see here that the Ðapp you build can talk with Ethereum through a javascript library called web3.js. This library will allow your front-end application (using the design and user experience you want) to send and receive information from the blockchain.


A Ðapp is an application that has its back-end code running on a peer-to-peer network instead of a centralized machine. A Ðapp can have front-end code written in any way you desire and Ethereum has created a web3.js library to be used for Ðapp development.


A Ðapp allows you to build whatever application you want and have it interact with the blockchain. You can do this creating the user experience you desire.

Did I miss something? Get something wrong? Do you have insight on Ðapps?

Let's talk about it in the comments! 👍


Yesterday someone told me to look into Ethereum and today you're filling me in with this brilliant informative post. Really well done Dayne and I may pick that big brain of yours in the future, you know what you're talking about.

Sure thing, @flatrider! There is a lot of crypto jargon to get a grasp on to really understand it all. Would love to have some good dialogue about it.

I hope to post one of these every few days as I get time to research more. Any specific topics you are looking at with Ethereum?

Thanks Dayne and we'll definitely discuss topics around Crypto but I believe you are light years ahead of me and I need to do some more research on my own and then ask for your help or discuss a problem I've reached. At the moment all I know is that it sounds a little bit like the SAFE network (Maidsafe) or am I showing my technical ignorance here. I did say I needed to catch-up a bit. ;-)

I have not heard of Maidsafe. I had to look it up (I told you I am behind in the crypto world! 😁).

It does look like the applications that run on it are the same type model. Connecting to an API to interact with the blockchain.

I believe you are light years ahead of me

Nope! I have a few friends that can run circles around me with this stuff.

I just posted something about it on the feed and I only heard about it through a friend and really got into it. Just the whole idea of an alternative to the Internet is slightly mind blowing. To be continued.

👍Sounds good.

I am looking at proof of work vs proof of stake right now. Lots to learn!!

Never heard of it, but I have now and shall look into it. Thanks Dayne.

Thanks for the insightful post!

Check out my latest blog on a new DAPP known as Birdchain, which will enable users to earn a monthly passive income!
