Programmer explains ICO mania - Dangers and Bubbles in Cryptocurrency

in #ethereum8 years ago

Guys this is one of the important videos I've ever done :) Please write your thoughts on the topic


Great video once again! But I disagree with the time frame you are mentioning, for example google, amazon etc.. came much later, but in this case we already have the technology and implementation is being carried out in parallel. So the proper working decentralised apps would not take 10 years or more... perhaps 2-3 years..

I wrote a post about my own view on the whole bubble thing. My point is very simple, if each one of us do not make their part, we can ruin the party. If we get enough bad examples out on the street we'll sure piss off a bunch of regulators and traditional investors, and that will likely limit the whole of crypto and blockchain economy's growth. Also, don't miss out on the CFA Institute's view on the ICO Bubble.

That is a very good point you are making.

There has been this strange hype on the upcoming ICO's where people would start buy anything just because it's new and blockchain...
This whole market is still maturing and we do see growing pains in learning how to invest in this world and/or work with this economy.

As always, thank you for your content

Hey Ivan I wrote this in youtube, but perhaps its easier to answer my question here.

I agree that there is Mass hysteria about these new ICO's which of most will fail.

However I think the real gold is in the coins where DAPPS can be built upon like (Stratis, Lisk and Etherium).

My question to a programmer would be what programming language has the best probability of creating the most and best new DAPPS? C#, Javas-script or Solidity?

Thanks for all your videos. I just recently learned about cryptocurrency and I am binging all your content. You explain it in easy terms so I can get a basic understanding about what is going on.

Keep on with the great content

cheers!Great video as always Ivan! Follow me at

Everybody who wants to invest in ICOs should watch this video before.
Because investing in ICOs is an extremely high-risk investment activity.

Glad I found your videos about cryptos. I´m trying to learn more and I think you are very good at explaning things at an easy level. Thank you for posting!

Trying to predict what is happening in crypto by comparing with the Internet bubble years ago is, in my opinion, a big mistake. Some of the ICO you will invest in will not be profitable, some will be. The idea is to evolve in the space and learn this new economy fast, because it is evolving really really rapidly. With only 115 billion market cap as of now, how could I call this a bubble when I expect trillions will be poured in during the coming years. This is the ideal time to make mistakes, participate, loose some money, gain some and step in this exciting new economy.