War Riders Ethereum Blockchain Game

in #ethereum7 years ago (edited)



Mine or Die
The first MMO game of earning cryptocurrency and blowing up cars.

What’s the game?
Are you ready for a real apocalypse on the blockchain? If so, then fill up your tank and buckle up! War Riders can build their own war vehicles from scratch with customized logos and messaging. Use your vehicle to mine and attack enemies for Benzene.

Stock up with Benzene
All other forms of money are gone and Benzene is the only currency left to trade in this wasteland

Mine for Benzene by driving through waypoints and raid other players to take their coins. Mining in War Riders™ is simple, just discover BZN in the Wasteland to claim it.

Become the most powerful and wealthy army by expanding your garage locations, buying better weapons, and killing for influence. Offer protection to other players and earn ETH.

Prepare for the apocalypse in 3D
Shortly after the pre-order campaign, you will be able to create your War Riders vehicle from scratch in spectacular 3D.

Learn more at https://app.warriders.com/ref/nvQNHlQlv