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RE: Ethereum: $700 million worth of ethereum traded in the past 24 hours

in #ethereum8 years ago

ICOs are creating artificial demand for ETH; when artificial demand < aggregate overhead for all these companies that have funded themselves via ETH there is going to be a race to the bottom. Unlike speculators these companies are now growing and scaling - hiring, leasing office space, buying equipment etc. and they have bills to pay. They are going to pay them by selling ETH for fiat. When ETH starts to slide there will be a panic to secure their revenue stream, everyone will sell gobs of ETH to get their hands on cash. Imagine what would happen if Bancor decided they needed to secure $50M in fiat in order to deliver to their shareholders? It comes out of ETH. And that is just one company.


Yea but this assumes the ICO train is going to stop too. ICO's are creating demand for ETH at the same time these startups are selling ETH. Right now though I'd say the demand to buy ETH is higher, and will be for the foreseeable future with the amount of money Status just raised.

ICO's are going to move to EOS.


Imma have to checkout EOS then. Thanks for the tip! :)

It will be very much worth you time. Welcome!

Hopefully it'll be able to handle the load better. I can't even send ether at the moment due to the congestion this Status ICO is causing. :-/

How does 50,000 transactions per second sound? And the ability to scale to millions of TPS? EOS is going to change the world. :)

O.o alright, you have my attention! Searching google now! :)