Mysterium Network - Blockchain-based VPN for Secure, Anonymous Internet Connection!

in #ethereum8 years ago

Hello Folks!

I'll write here about the ICO Misterium Network! Apparently it is a specific project, but in fact, everyone can usufruct and win with Misterium.

Mysterium is building a decentralized virtual private network (VPN) that anyone can use to connect securely and anonymously to the Internet! Mysterium is in Ethereum!

Mysterium is designed so that anyone with leftover bandwidth can join the network as a VPN node provider and gain MYST tokens in return for this!

The internet isn't open either privately, large entities are increasingly self-proclaiming themselves as web guardians, the actions are centralized, making us just data collection! I know there are benefits in collecting these data, because they are managing to serve us, serve us faster and better, but there are invasive tactics and they are putting security online in danger! One of the main mission Mysterium is the fight against the risk of digital crimes! Mysterium is taking this problem of insecurity very seriously, looking at a market that will reach billions of dollars in a few years, online security comes first!

Mysterium firmly believes in a future where users are protected from being subjects of corporate and governmental interests. Mysterium's computing power pools create a distributed network of nodes. Nodes are made available to those who require secure on-demand VPN connections. Users who share their bandwidth to the network gain MYST tokens in exchange for this. MYST is the native token of the Mysterium network.

In short: Mysterium will give you the chance to stay safe, conduct your business, your tasks in peace and still possibly earn $, think about it!

There is a great and generous bounty campaign! The project is rare, well intentioned, with a great team! Running Mysterium Node and test out our MVP is the star reward! For more information:

Below you will find the links to know more about the project, access to the whitepaper, ICO start, team information, social networks and more!

Reach Mysterium Network:


See ya.


Sounds a lot like being an exit-node on the Tor network. Get ready to be accused of some heinous crimes when certain posts and images are tied back to your IP address.

Thanks for the comment! So guy, what do you mean by that?

With Tor, you can anonymize yourself, and there are various "exit nodes" around the world. These allow users to leave the internal anonymized Tor network and interact with the 'normal' internet. A user's packets are exchanged between websites and the exit node, then relayed to them from the exit node through the Tor network. Their true IP address is hidden through the layers of encryption within the Tor network.

Generally, exit nodes are ran either by the government, so they can monitor the traffic to snoop on activity (in case some criminal drops information on a non-ssl open connection), or by universities for academic purposes. The reason? If you, as a member of the 'little people' ran an exit node (you can if you want, it's as easy as clicking a few buttons), the police will be at your door in hours. People use these exit nodes to post child pornography and conduct other illegal activity on the "light net", and the activity will appear to have come from your IP Address. This is exactly what VPNs do, they encrypt your activity to the VPN and then relay it to/from the internet so that your activity looks like it's coming from the VPN IP Address instead of your own. This is why so many sign up for VPNs in order to torrent pirated material undeterred.

So, basically, act as a VPN or a Tor Exit Node at your own peril.