My thoughts about Ethereum

in #ethereum8 years ago

Image Source: Guia do Bitcoin
So...we've been scaling with BTC for awhile the minute even.....its eerie and i dont like it for a few reasons...,but it has some real oppurtunity in it as well.....after writing this however...btc is scaling up and we dipped down who the fuck knows...this post is conversationary at best

So for the most part...we scale with them. ..but, it doesnt mean we will forever but...theres a few things we need to consider...IF BTC is at its all time high...that means in some waysss that we are (for now) tied to them...thats my main concern...but turn that concern into a positive and heres how I just did

Keep in mind its always a risk to do what i did but its always a risk to hold as with that said, we very well may break away and shoot from here of course... we do that from time to time all the while btc stays or drops or whatever...thats happened before and may again....but the point is we'd likely have to decouple as I dont see btc clearing a new new ATH in the next day or so...

IF btc corrects to some degree...we may as well and that opens another oppurtunity to buy as I did yesterday.....but we lose some sale value I sold my buys from yesterday...

So thinking this way....IF btc drops and we do with it...we gotta wait for it to recourse back up here to break even......thats fine, just like last night it will eventually .....its a wait game anyways

if it does in fact drop however and we go back to lastnights dip I'm buyin again without a doubt

I say this because i'm not tryin to steer anyone to do anything or whatever I just wanna be clear on what I see and what we can do to possibly maximize at times......possibly.......hodling is my primary and its great..... I change my gameplan at times, doesnt mean you should by any mreans but im not into BS or into straight up what the fuck I do in the hopes that it helps someone else...I want us to work together in honesty....dips and high sales are a really good way to make money every day....for me. that was a 10 k deal and I need an exhaust system for the turbo.

if we buying more...if we go up holding what i got....

best to you all lads


My thought about eth is it brake the record of 400 $ if and only if btc price remain constant and some company have to invest money in eth. Many company are start investing money in btc so the price is increasing grovement also accepting btc nowaday in some country