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RE: Ethereum Case Study – Understanding What, Who, Why, When, and How - Part 1 (What)

in #ethereum7 years ago

I like your approach very much and I saw that you read the oaktree memos and that you are interested in alternative investing. Such an approach is all about inefficiencies in the markets, chances for inefficiencies in well informed, established markets are low. But here we have inefficencys, a big lack of knowledge even at the banksters level. Non trivial problems like the scaleability trilemma, people are not aware off. In the hedgefund sector (e.g. pantera, polychain) they have experts for every important aspect (Gametheory, one Smartcontract Expert, one Kryptography Expert) because they see the chance of using those inefficencys. You do your job pretty well and I think it will be easy for you to bring your studys to an advanced level. I dont think that we need to read code but we have to avoid the misconceptions. Marks was reciting Twain and i think it fits the Crypto "Investors" Space here on Steemit really well "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so."

You will find out about the terminologys, because you use your research as a exercise i dont want to disturb it right now, I will just follow your articles. The smartcontract part was fine