First Ethereum ATM is now REAL

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)


In <> we work constantly to provide Ethereum community with transparency and independence that crypto community is looking for. And today we are happy to announce that first ATM is open to take your cache for real shiny Ether. Here is the report by our friend Kobi Gurkan:

This is the first ATM transaction made ever:

The modified version of the Lamassu Bitcoin ATM now supports both
currencies - BTC and ETH.

Lamassu’s open-source code provides a easy and direct way to support
even more interesting use-cases - such as interacting with smart-contracts
directly from a machine. For example, imagine you could pay a dollar
to buy an unowned tile in Etheria, purchase a dollar-pegged currency
or vote for a resolution in a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

finally made real last night. It’s powered by’s JSON-RPC server
andThis project was started by @romanj and was carried out by me, and was

This is the first purchase made in the ATM was in the following transaction:

To purchase, you would need a QR code in one of the following formats:

  • ether:0x407d73d8a49eeb85d32cf465507dd71d507100c1


The Jaxx mobile wallet can generate IBAN QR codes and has been tested
with the ATM.

Purchase some Ether, write some contracts and join the future!


Great post! Is that on the market already????

yes the first one is installed in Canada

wow very informative post, upvoted.
please check my new post if possible, thanks

thank you

great! . They should also be in Latin America