A Smart Framework for Smart Contracts
Solitidy is a contract-oriented, high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript and it is designed to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
The Five Types Model
The design used here is the 'Five Types Model' publicised by Eris Industries.
Here the approach taken is completely different. Categorise the contracts into following categories:
- Database Contracts
- Controller Contracts
- Contracts Managing Contracts
- Utility Contracts
- Application Logic Contracts
We have 2 database contracts which allow their respective controllers to write, update and get data.
- PermssionDB
- BankDB.
We have 2 controller contracts which interact with the storage (one or more than one) and can be advanced (do batch read/write)
- PermissionController
- BankController
The controller with fund manager function as application logic contracts