Is it possible for an Ethereum Token to gain a higher marketcap than Ethereum?

in #ethereum8 years ago (edited)

A token such as that requires a few qualities. An ICO where everyone , can get in at or around the same floor, and a fair amount of institutional investors. It would also have to solve a huge problem for a large number of people in a user friendly way.

The last two are obvious. It could not be vapourware and it would have to scale. Most smart contract coins wont run in to scaling issues especially with the Raiden network and proof of stake planned for Ethereum. But it was worth mentioning. Anyway. Watch this video.

And this one.

And finally, this one.

But where does it trade ?


Veritaseum is a higher price than Ethereum today!
And it's a token on the ETH network.

Oh, woops! I guess I read that too quickly. Thanks.