Overview of the gaming industry and the milestones
Gaming is the heart of electronic entertainment. From joysticks to advanced 3D devices the experience will always get better as technology advances. playing my first game on 16 bits gaming console 20 years ago reminds me that nothing lasts forever. technology is the key evolution factor in the entertainment industry especially the gaming sector. I recall a picture i saw on the social media platform about a game which was played by many years back, of course Super Mario Bros where the picture taken currently from a game cover is larger than the game itself that was developed back in late 90's. just in kilobytes, that shows creativity and how technology have evolved the gaming industry.
There are currently many platforms one can play games online. from web applications, to desktop software. We have the mobile games which is no longer limited to only java but many platforms like android, IOS, and other mobile operating systems can now have game developers build and compile their games to work on the platform. One major purpose of developing gaming apps and devices for entertainment and at the long run profit. Gaming is a big business with prospects expanding beyond the shores on many countries and web platform, no wonder a famous social media platform integrated gaming on the website thereby allowing both the game developers and community to have a niche and catch fun while socializing on the platform. the gaming industry is not an easy sector to penetrate as a new game developer or solo game developer. Most game brand and merchant platforms are expensive to register and upload games because they charge high commission. On the part of the game players, some players can't afford to pay for some games because of the cost and location barrier. this is why Play game is introducing a decentralized gaming platform of the community which is safer, cost effective and give high return on investment to game developers and investors. This article shall look at how the platform works, the market advantages and token sales.
How Play Game works
The Play Game platform is designed to provide a an ecosystem for all game developers around the world to leverage on their blockchain technology to host their game applications while gamers can have access to play the games on the platform. unlike the traditional platforms where the developer have to pay thirty percent commission on every game hosted on the platform. play game charges no commission except for transactions which are very little when compared to other platforms
A game developer registers on the Play Game platform which can be accessed through their website playgame.com. The developer builds or hosts the developed game on play game platform SDK framework which is made accessible to users. Users who are interested in the can play the game by registering on the platform and buying the Play Game token which is completely a utility token and acts as value for game services provided o the play game platform. the user deposits an amount of the play game token on the smart contract which allows the user access to play upon completion, the equivalent token is transferred from the smart contract to the developers wallet. there are no commissions collected from the game developers and users from any part of the world can play provided they have tokens enough to access the game.
Why choose play game?
Play Game provide lots of opportunities for both the game developer and player. It is not just like every other gaming platform .
Developers benefits
Developer are nit restricted to premium development platform with complex frameworks and architects. many a times most game developers have to learn a dozen of languages in order to develop games for different platform but here on play game it is a decentralized system where you only develop once using their open source SDK and they game product is available to all users all over the world irrespective of their location.
Developers have the privilege to transact directly with gamers who purchase or play their games unlike the traditional platforms where the game brad or marketplace hosts the game and deals directly with the gamers while taking commissions of 30% and remitting the rest 70% to the developer.
Protection of game developer rights is one of the reason every developer should consider this platform. The games are no hosted on the play game website as they are virtually streamed through the developers device, thanks to the blockchain technology which makes it possible to have a sort of peer to peer gaming platform with very high security and protection of game product from piracy
Game developers can leverage on the crowdfunding offers Play game provides via their platform. This makes it possible for developers who have small budget to get the much needed funding for the complete development of their game. these funds are contributed in form cryptocurrencies using the platy game token.
Gamers benefits
Gamers of course earn play game token while playing the games. this creates more community engagement and room for suggestions to game developers.
The gamer does not have to share rights of the game product purchased on the platform as it is under the gamers' full control without any interference.
Gamers can increase their profitability by signing up for challenges and tournaments on the platform to earn bigger tokens from contest.
Gamers have liquidity for their tokens earned on the play game platform as it can be exchanged for fiat currency on exchanges that will enlist the Play Game token at the end of the token sales.
About Play game Token and their sale
the play game token PXG is a utility token which will serve as the value for the platform and all transactions that would be carried out on the play game blockchain. Project of this nature require funds and this is the reason play game is offering their tokens for sakes to investors who believe in their vision and goal. A total of 1,000,000,000 PXG (1 Billion PXG) have been minted for this project with 200,000,000 PXG allocated for the Pre Token Sale with exchange value of 1 ETH = 18,000 PXG while the main token sale is allocated 400,000,000 PXG with exchange value of 1 ETH = 15,000 PXG. the pre sale si scheduled to run from 10-23 September 2018 while the main sale will start from 24 September and end on 22 October 2018.
To learn more about the Play Game Project and their token sales please visit the links below.
WEBSITE : https://its.playgame.com/ ONE PAGE`R : https://its.playgame.com/files/playgame-onepager-en.pdf TELEGRAM : https://t.me/playgamecom_en TWITTER : https://twitter.com/playgame_pxg WHITEPAPER : https://its.playgame.com/files/playgame-whitepaper.pdf MEDIUM https://medium.com/playgame-pxg
Content Author Details
Username: Finixfly
Bitcointalk Profile Url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2141081