Let's summarize up the latest news with PPT and VERI, many exciting things have happened recently!
It looks like PPT was finally added to HitBTC:
Now you can trade PPT on HitBTC and not have to solely rely on EtherDelta, which is a cool decentralized exchange, however recently had some issues and the GUI still needs to be improved, however decentralized exchanges are more and more needed given how China is starting to crack down on ETH, things like EtherDelta might help.
So HitBTC provides an ETH pair, and that could mean new cash flows into PPT, given the earlier shocking announcement of the 1 billion £ partnership:
Well many people probably wanted to invest in PPT after that news release, but they could have been scared away by EtherDelta’s bad GUI design, so now they can do it through HitBTC. Now I really expect a lot of money flowing into PPT exactly because of this reason.
With VERI things are really heating up. There is a new video out:
It looks like BETA software is coming out soon and much more, here is a good summary by azmojo or just watch the video itself, Reggie looks very excited, I am sure he has all the reasons to be, the project is really looking to go to the next level.
I have been optimistic about VERI right from the get-go but now things really are really looking to heat up. I think I will buy more VERI tokens while they are cheap, I am not sure they will be this cheap in a month or so. The volume of VERI on ED has already spiked up.
You can also get some ETH here if you want or need to buy things or tokens with:
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- https://pixabay.com
- ETH logo by Ethereum Foundation CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
That is good news. Still curious as to why these 2 can't get on a decent exchange... especially populous. thanks!
Populous is on HitBTC too.
If you are referring to Polo or Bittrex, well I dont think they add many ETH tokens at all there. Most exchanges only work with Bitcoin-like coins for simple API integration, but I think the bigger issues is the lack of volume.
You cant just get into the big swimming pool instantly you first need to put your leg into every pond and slowly build up the trading volume until the big exchanges notice you.
Populous Platform tweeted @ 19 Sep 2017 - 12:54 UTC
Populous Platform tweeted @ 01 Sep 2017 - 15:21 UTC
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