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RE: Forking frenzy... untrustless proof of concept.

in #ethereum9 years ago

The military doesn't act against the Constitution for several reasons, little of which has to do with "mindset". The primary reason they don't act to commit a coup is because they haven't solved the Byzantine General's Problem. And the US has done a pretty good job of making the problem unsolvable by distributing military power between different branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Cost Guard) and between different sovereigns (Federal government and the 50 states who have their own national guards and police forces). However, rest assured, were there a common crisis of sufficient magnitude that it required threatened them all and required these different branches/divisions to trust each other and act together to solve it for the protection of the grater good, they would, even if doing so violated the Constitution.

I agree, however, that security is all about getting the incentives right. And, that's the beauty of capital markets. They are ruthless in rewarding behavior that they find beneficial and penalizing behavior that they don't. Ultimately the markets will decide whether a fork was the right thing to do. I'm betting that they think it is.


The primary reason they don't act to commit a coup is because they haven't solved the Byzantine General's Problem.

So you are saying the military does not commit a coup primarily because it's hard to do it? In other words, they would like to do it but they don't because they can't. I have a different opinion explaining why a modern state is able to keep its equilibrium.

... act together to solve it for the protection of the grater good, they would, even if doing so violated the Constitution.

That's where we differ. I think there is no greater good than the Constitution.

If they do think so, then they are just kicking the can down the road. They will be hacked again & again until they will be fed up with their own forks.
Though I give you an upvote for the markets penalizing/rewarding comment. For a moment I though you will close your comment with a conclusion of how bad a soft fork of this kind can prove.