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in #ethereum8 years ago

I'm amused by the crypto haters in my comments on You Tube, like this one:

zogun28 minutes ago
another fake fiat electronic CURRENCY, abc coin, def coin, xyz coin .. bla bla bla ..

To which I respond:
zogun, LOL. better wake up quick. Even Putin is interested in Ethereum.


You are by far my favorite alt news! It is fiat, created from noting backed by nothing. Its still valued in dollars, what will it be valued in when the dollar crashes? Gold? Might as well just buy gold while its cheep. I'm not against cryptos, its just they are not the answer. Treat them as you would any stock in the market, buy low and sell high.

Thanks for tuning in here drexil. I hold PHYSICAL silver, gold & cryptos. As for cryptos... the value is in the intellectual property, and the technology. This is the value ETH holds, it is REAL, it is tangible, and it is attracting major corporations.

I can understand that point of view...and I agree...most of the "haters" are silly, to say the least. But you have to admit that the hype is getting frenzied. People are now buying these cryptos with completely unrealistic expectations. They honestly think they are going to get rich overnight. Maybe they will...but then again...

I also keep hearing the argument that virtually no one is buying cryptos yet....and I agree with this. Personally, I know of only one other person on the planet (personally) who buys cryptos aside from myself. But I would not take this to mean that the public in general is simply waiting on the sidelines and will eventually get in. The price could go to a million and I suspect a vast majority of people will never get in. Remember, the Baby Boomers are a large generation...and certainly not tech savvy.

Bottom line: As the price and market cap grow, so does the risk. Everyone involved in this market seems to be going nuts, starry-eyed with delusions of financial grandeur. But let's not forget, while these cryptos are soaring to all time highs, the metals are basically at all time lows.

What would the intelligent investor make of this situation?

Hope I'm not a hater....but I am beginning to grow concerned and have recently begun selling my ETH. Yes, it's hard to watch the price make new highs, but so be it. I was lucky to get in early.

A really worth reading post @freedomwriter! I share the most of your thoughts!
"Are the expectations unrealistic?" I really don't know, but what I've learned so far is, you have to follow the money (Martin Armstrong) and be aware of the direction it flows!
"Are the people frenzy?" Some of them - YESSS; some of them no. Those who are educating themselves and do they're own research are pretty cool.
Cryptos are no mainstream matter yet! The last one I asked about BTC and Blockchain thought it's an UK punkband!
"Going nuts?!" Plain speaking: for me in personal cryptos are a life changer! As many others I've worked hard - though I love my work, but now for the 1st time in my life I'm able to realize some of my dreams... - a small lil house... - a small lil garden where I can grow my own food... - 2-3 dogs, because they're the best friends a man can have. So am I greedy? NO, because I have a clear goal right in front of me, I've put my focus on. BUT taking some profits out early is no mistake at all - never has... never will!
One last guess: last friday there was pressure in the tech stocks... - ETH has risen in price yesterday, maybe a first sign that money's changed direction; and when it flows BigTime into cryptos - ETH is more likely than BTC -, because it can suck up more money way faster! Cheers!

That will be awsome and mabie some money will flow back into the gold and silver miners soon. I PRAY!

You will see, when the wealth transition is about to begin there are only two markets left that will prosper: cryptocurrencies and PMs - physical Gold & Silver! It's only a matter of time and if we stay patient we will be rewarded in the end.
But it's also very important to keep up improving and educating yourself on any skill you have and have not yet and to built up a strong community - cause family and friends are the most important purpose in life! Cheers!

You can never get hurt by taking a profit! ...and up 266% in just the past month definitely qualifies as "frothy". I'll continue to hold, but the risk is real.

I'm holding too, because this is a chance of a lifetime you only get once. And some more reasons for me to stay in ETH is because as Clif mentioned in your interview - when the big money is flowing into cryptos the market of BTC is to narrow to suck it all in; this investors money is flowing into ETH!
A further reason is the USAF BIP148 in august... - the uncertainty will also drive some money into ETH to store value; but the greatest reason is, a new definition for money is rising as Andreas Antonopoulos is explaining in his speech!
Keep on rocking Sean, I appreciate your work since a long time! Cheers!