Ethereum Classic to the moon?

in #ethereum9 years ago

Okay so Bitcoin and Ethereum's price is declining. while Ethereum Classic gains massive amounts of market share.

It could be another pump of ETC that will be followed by a large dump, and will end the fear among Bitcoin and Ethereum holders, but it could actually change the relations between ETH and ETC and make the classic chain victorious.

+52% up on Poloniex. amazing, I am clueless about how this happened.

Meanwhile, look at Ethereum at Poloniex:

At first, was sure Ethereum Classic will die when the DAO attacker dumps his funds, but I am not sure anymore. anything can happen at this point. the panic sells has started at the price is dropping rapidly. Congratulations, Ethereum Classic holders. enjoy the cash.

And how about Bitcoin? currently trading at around 605$ and I have seen 592$. after all it is the bridge between the altcoins.

STEEM have taken quite a hit today as well, like the overwhelming majority of altcoins, losing about 12% of its value.

STEEM feels to me like a roller coaster anyways, I will not be surprised to wake up one morning at discover that the price is 10$, or 1$. it's always in the move and never stable and predictable.

Let's see what happens in the next 24 hours or so, my best is, Ethereum Classic gets dumped back to around 1.8$ and Ethereum recovers. but I very well could be wrong like I have always been about this ETH-ETC race. Place your bets boys and girls, the roulette started rolling.


Older is always better ;). I would say that though being an antique dealer.
I think the bounce back of ETC is a great thing. Shows that people are not willing to accept shenanigans. Power to the ol girl I say!

I just saw that changed and shows your ETC as well as ETH. Now you don't have to keep ETC on the exchange. Remember to test with a small amount first.

I still can't believe how much traction ETC is getting. While I haven't been following it that closely I honestly did expect it to die off sooner rather than later, it just seems like a terrible idea pushed by a minority in order to get rich off unsuspecting fools. Then again, I suppose that argument is well over-used in crypto and no one wants to listen to it anymore.

What the hell, throw all caution to the wind, all in on ETC!! /sarcasm...

I disagree with the 'minority' concept. It seems like many big players jumped on ETC once it launched at Poloniex , buying thousands of ETC around 0.001. This triggers the chain reaction of pumps.

While the idea got started by a small minority, making it tradable on all major exchanges evolved it to be a top trading coin at this point.

I have to admit i've bought 19BTC worth of ETC myself when it got listed on Poloniex.

You sir, are currently richer than Bill Gates. fund my charity.

Maybe you're right, like I said I haven't been following it too closely. Personally I sold all my ETH when it became clear that the two chains would both remain due to the potential for chaos and confusion.

But kudos to you for a risky but so far good investment then, I'd consider taking some profits :)

Yeah he might have made a very wise decision when he bought it, I wanted to sell my ETH as well but I thought it might go higher than 14$, guess I was wrong.

Dogecoin to the moon

Such statement much wow

Much wow indeed

such coin! amazing!

with the transparency and professionalism they've always had and biweekly news letters... EXP has always seemed like the most "legit" project in the ETH realm... now that ETH is essentially a clone of itself and who the f#ck knows whats going to happen or who's going to be involved in ETC... EXP even looks more legit than ever before.

I don't hold "hype trains" like ETH/ETC so I've never held it for more than a few days here and there as I day trade it once and a while to earn BTC for other coins, So my bet long before the whole fiasco ever began was always EXP.

Lol, I'm unsure what to think of ETC either. At first I bought it low and sold a little higher and then it skyrocketed (just my fucking luck). I just now sold all my other coins(including ether) and went back into it, so fingers crossed lol.
Should would like to see it reach ETH price.

Fingers crossed for you, but I will be amazed if ETC overtakes ETH.

It may be a rollercoaster (potentially) but I'm strapped in for a long journey.

Get ready, the train is about to leave!

I haven't made a GIF on trains :( . Mention Unicorns and I'm sorted!

The unicorn festival has just started

Do you think ETC will reach 3$ today?

Well written