Move over Ethereum, LondonCoin is coming!

in #ethereum6 years ago

Press Release


Accumulating gold backed cryptocurrency LondonCoin released a new core which is fast, safe, secure, and scalable at LondonCoin will be developing the next generation open source core in order to expand the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry as well as the communities who want freedom.

The first generation cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum suffer the rising cost of mining, slow transaction speed, and lack of scalability. Hashgraph which was invented by Swirlds, Inc. solved most of the first generation consensus core problems, but it is patented and permissioned which is not in the spirit of free and open source platform of current blockchain and cryptocurrency.

LondonCoin core is aBFT based which is basically the same as Hashgraph where the coding was provided by MosaicNetworks as open source project. LondonCoin is developing the next generation Open Hashgraph with the “Push-Pull” algorithm which will be faster than the Hashgraph and decentralized as well as open source such that many applications can be built.

Also, LondonCoin developed the cold storage wallet based on the fingerprint authenticated credit card platform as well as the automated blockchain flight insurance service “FlySafe”. In addition to these, LondonCoin is working on the blockchain based movie, music, and game projects where the profit generated from these businesses will be used to purchase gold. The gold will be accumulated to benefit the owners of LondonCoin.

We will provide the solution which Warren Buffet mentioned as “If you don’t come up with the method to make money while you sleep, you will work for your life”. The accumulating gold will provide increasing value of the LondonCoin by design permanently making profits while investors of LondonCoin are sleeping.

Provided by LondonCoin email: [email protected]

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