A new concept / ICO that I spotted today on /r/ethereum
Their manifest on the site outlines that Eros aims to make the platform available to any human on Earth, even areas where the practice may be frowned upon / illegal altogether.
"Our goal is to offer an authentic OpenBazaar of Sex that cannot be censured, banned nor shut down by any government or religious authority."
The platform will feature a token based pre-payment system, as well as a UX for both "buyers" and "sellers". In addition, a reputation system will be implemented. Mockups of the interface from the website are below:
The manifest also likens the platform to the utilization of Bitcoin on darknet marketplace, stating that they "...believe that Eros could represent the same opportunity and pivotal moment for Ethereum, considering the fact that estimates place the annual revenue generated by prostitution worldwide to be over US$100 billion despite the fact that most of this activity still takes place in the street, leading to undesirable effects for all parties involved."
The whitepaper can be found here, or on the website.
The document is quite dense, but strengthens their concept immensely.
At the time of this writing, the ICO has around 5 days before release.
I'm in no way affiliated with the company, but I'm interested in their progress as the platform evolves, and the many challenges they will most likely face once news of the idea becomes mainstream.
It's looking like a big scam now, even HACKED wrote about it
On reddit, project's whitepaper is reported as a plagiarism scam case. Any news?
Scam. Whitepaper was plagiarized : https://eros.vision/img/core-img/WP.pdf Beaver whitepaper http://eprint.iacr.org/2016/464.pdf
Everywhere I've read about it has been calling it out as a scam.
The real Michael obrien at cisco?
It definitely seems to be a scam. My apologies everyone, I should have done a little more research. I can't believe I didn't run the WP through a plagiarism detector.
Hey not everything turns out the way you thought it would :) at least you caught your mistake which is all that matters