Another Shout-out from Ethereum Creator, Vitalik Buterin, on Twitter

in #ethereum9 years ago

Following the release of EtherDelta and getting Vitalik's attention from a reddit post, we are continuing to improve this project. Several days ago, we translated the user interface of EtherDelta into Chinese with the help of kingwang88. Now, users will be able to switch from English to Chinese with ease. Given the fact that China has a huge population, it has one of the biggest cryptocurrency markets in the world. Being able to reach out to them will hopefully increase trade volumes on EtherDelta.

Vitalik responded to this new feature by saying "awesome" in Chinese. A recognition from him assures us that we are moving in the right direction. In addition to the Chinese translation, we also released 3 new features yesterday:

  1. A volume chart that shows the most traded tokens
  2. A chat box that allows users to chat with each other
  3. A price chart that shows recent price trends

So far, the most volume has been in the TRMPY token that lets you bet on Trump winning the United States presidential election. With PredictIt (a centralized prediction market) closing Trump markets to new traders since they reached their cap, trading via EtherDelta provides users a new market that's unhampered by centralized restrictions. Check us out here.