Ethereum Classic rose by 256% for the day

in #ethereum9 years ago

Alternative token Ethereum is rapidly increasing in price and trading volume, attracting more and more attention of miners.

Ethereum Classic, alternative token to the initial version of the Ethereum blockchain, not subjected to "hard fork", a record pace gaining a place under the sun. In less than a day token rose by 256% (at the time of publication according and ahead of the main Ethereum token in trading volume on the cryptocurrency exchange Poloniex almost a third.

At the moment the rate of ETC is about 0,0028 BTC vs BTC 0,0193 one ETH ($1,87 $12,56 respectively). Market capitalization Ethereum Classic reached $153,9 million.

Today Minergate pool that supports mining various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, Ethereum started to support the Classic. As explained by the members of the pool, this decision was taken "from the deep belief that Ethereum can thrive without manual control. Earlier, Executive Director of MinerGate Claude Lecomte said he did not support "hard fork", although Poole did not vote against it in the interests of development of the technology.

About creating Ethereum Classic was announced last week. It was released after the split of the community in connection with hardforum and transition to the new blockchain. Ethereum Classic is trading under the Ticker ETC. Recall that in the Classic description of Ethereum says that the aim of the project is to keep the original Ethereum, the main characteristics of which are permanence and decentralization.


do you think it will last? 256% is alot in such a short time

Just dumped my ETC. Free BTC :-)
Don't see this pump last long when Ethereum Foundation dump their ETC holdings.