Etherstocks, where only the strong prevail. Etherstocks is a fun way to earn ETH using a decentralized smart contract that pays daily Divs to those with strong hands. If you know the HODL ways, (today's total dividends)
Even if the website is down because of a dosed attack, decentralized maintenance/upgrades, or for whatever reason, have no fear, because you can still interact with the blockchain itself. Etherstocks also has a back-up site for such events.
You can always observe and interact with the contracts at anytime
Yup, just you and the online ledger. That is what decentralization is all about, there is no middle man.
Isn't that a beautiful concept? You can buy and sell directly from the blockchain, instead of paying some sort of intermediary.
Get started :
Stop into discord if you have any questions. Let our Friendly community help you out. They truly are wonderful!
Learn how to interact with the ethereum blockchain, including the metamask plugin (instructions below to install & use).
step 1) open chrome
step 2) visit
step 3) click "get chrome extention"
step 4) a pop up will happen. click "add chrome extension"
step 5) create a account.
step 6) save your password and 12 work seed phrase somewhere safe
step 7) if your going to import an existing ether address, click the icon in top right that looks like a circle with two arrows, and a person in the center, and then click import account
step 8) put in your private key
step 9) if your not going to import an exsiting account, click the "..." next the address it created for you, and click "export private key". save this somewhere safe, and never give it out. if you lose this, your fucked.
step 10) deposit ether from somewhere and your ready to go
More info and ask questions on our Discord :
EtherStocks Twitter:
EtherStocks Reddit:
Cool project it's the first ive heard of it too!
hit that discord link. Come check them out. Any questions message Henryetta. I'll getcha started
or if you dont have a discord i can answer your questions here lol
Been having alot of fun picking stocks with everyone in the Discord!
I agree with the magic8ball too! The DAPP community is ready. I remember when the first contract topped 3Eth. Now the top 6 stocks are all over 3Eth and the biggest stock is over 13Eth!
u could also have called this article 'how to get free money'.. i love those divvies!
I love EtherStocks! Great community, great devs, tons of fun! The dividends are awesome too ;)
To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:
Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.
You heard the magic ball, Lets do it!
We must obey the magic-8-ball!
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