The classic definition of liberalism is today called Christian conservatism. The modern definition of social liberalism is what was known as communism. The ideology of the Left is being taught to America’s children and pounded into them through the media propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. They follow ignorantly because they do not know better and this is the cause of America’s decline.
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With all due respect, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Classical liberals weren't as a rule either Christian or conservative. Adam Smith, David Ricardo, et al would align more with modern geo-libertarianism. Classical conservatism was an outgrowth of Thomism NOT classical liberalism, and it culminates in Edmund Burke and Russell Kirk, and is fundamentally rooted in old catholicism...but modern conservatism often rejects the religious basis of conservatism. Social liberalism is not communism. That statement just demonstrates your absolute ignorance of socialist and communist theory altogether. Communism advocates the abolition of money altogether. How is that even remotely analogous to modern liberalism's support for progressive taxation? And socialism advocates worker-ownership of the means of production and worker-managed co-operatives, et al. Does the Democratic party advocate either worker-managed co-operatives or the abolition of money? No, so the Democrats are neither socialist nor communist.