My Ethics: Live and let's live

in #ethics7 years ago


We have natural laws which suggests that certain rights are inherent by virtue of human nature and endowed by nature.

We have societal morality. This tells us what is right or wrong, what we ought to do or not to do. The law of the state and its enforcing agencies ensure these laws are obeyed.

We also have individual moral principles. This is formed by parents, communities, schools, books and understanding of life. We mould ourselves to conform to the moral standards we set.

What i don't get is why some people set standards and expect others to follow them?

These people condemn your actions, rationalize what makes it wrong by judging it from their own set rules. They use words like civility, rationality and common sense to appear upright but they are actually using their own standards.

Our ability to decide what we want to do, how we want to do it and the outcome of such action is what we call freewill. Every human being has the right to choose how they want to live their lives because the consequences of their actions are judged not by what they haven't done.


Laws are there mainly to judge that which we did but is against the laws of the state. Have you seen where someone was tried because he was thinking within himself to kill another person? Or someone tried for killing someone by merely thinking about it?

If the effects of our actions are important and we are judged by the consequences of our choices, why should my moral principle be a concern to you? Why should your mode of rightness or wrongness be the standard by which mine should be judged?

There are conflicting moral principles out there and the laws guiding citizens of America are not the same guiding those of us in Nigeria. In fact, an offence in Lagos might not be considered an offence in other state because Lagos has its laws. So why bother me with your principles when i am only living by mine?

It should be noted, however, that despite the apparent conflicting nature of these laws, none is superior to another. They are only binding to the people they are enacted for.

Live and let's live has always being my philosophy of life. So why not live the way you deem fit and let me live my own life peacefully? The important thing is peaceful coexistence among us.

Thank you for your time.


You made an amazing content my dear friend. 👏

😀👍Thank you @ayahlistic