Eve Online Trial to Plex (hopefully)

in #eve9 years ago

Hi, newish player to Eve Online and as i have a few weeks off work i was wondering if i can grind enough to buy a PLEX(the way the game players pay CCP for game time) their account. I think the best,least boring way to make ISK (eve money) on your trial is the new Shadow of the Serpent update. 

Starting off i managed to get 30 day free trail from Markee Dragon. The site is also great for discounts on Plex and other in game items.

I finished the tutorial missions and have just spent enough time and in-game money to buy a Cruiser (Caracel). I'm hoping this will be strong, tough enough for me to survive to do the Serpentis Shipyard missions. I'm hoping killing and looting these missions will give me enough cash for a plex.  

My Character called "Steem It" :)

I will post my progress as a new player and post them here in one thread if possible on Steem. Also, open to any other ideas the community has to maybe quicken my goal.



It can be done. There are several ways. Some require you to be more attentive others do not.

I did it for two accounts once and I realized I was essentially working a second job that was paying me the equivalent of like $0.06/hr but I did manage to pay for two subscriptions.

I found an interesting part of space that I had to fly through some low-sec space to reach and I went and mined, and manufactured, and fitted some decent ships with good cargo capacity and I'd fly it back to Jita to trade it. I also had numerous planets producing things that I'd sell as well but that is not where the bulk of my income came from.

I used this technique at the same time I was watching movies, programming, working, etc. That is why I chose the route I did.

Supposedly going to Zero Space and hooking up with a good Corporation you can make money very quickly. I have not done this. Doing missions, PvP, Incursions, etc do require that you devote more attention to maneuvering and maintaining your ship. I did some missions and I frequently had to try to avoid Player Pirates but most of my technique didn't require my undivided attention.

Some people may find it boring. Since I was doing IT in addition to other RL things it worked well for me.

I could have kept going and potentially increased my income enough to where I was making more. I tend to revisit EVE every couple of years because it is a cool game.

i agree doing other things whilst playing eve so you don't get bored or give up is a must after a certain amount of time unless you are in a Corp. I like Auto-Missiles for this purpose on my character i suppose drones would do the same job so you can semi afk. As long as i avoid low or null sec i should be ok. If i can't get enough ISK per hour i will look to join a Corp in null sec.

I mined in an area that was an island surrounded by low-sec. In one direction I had to cross through 3 low-sec sectors to reach it. The other direction on had one low-sec sector.

As you would expect these were infamous pirate camping points. One direction someone had a twitch-tv feed that always looked at the gate they liked to camp so you could scout ahead before jumping through.

The other direction you just had to risk it.

Usually I'd take the twitch-feed route on the way back from Jita.

I'd take the risk when I had my big load and was headed to Jita.

I did occasionally die, but I often got away too. I'd basically rig my kit with ECM and things to try to counter people trying to stall my jump drives. I could usually get away if there were only 1 or 2 pirates. If there were more than that I was usually SOL.

Anyway I built the loss of ships into my business model. I had blueprints and factories usually building me some more so I always had extras to use.

The pirates did not piss me off. They were quite exhillerating and I was always cool and would tell them good job if they got me. Or send them a message saying "you had me sweating, you nearly had me... thanks for the thrill". They were adding content to the game. :)

EDIT: The island had sectors with decent ice mining, but I did calculations and was making more off of ore at the time even though I had some ships capable of ice mining.

i like the idea of using twitch to scout gates i wonder if large corps do that or just use scout ships. Eve makes me want to buy another monitor.

I was playing it on two monitors last time I played it. I had an account I purchased through Steam and one I'd had longer.

Too bad they don't take STEEM DOLLARS. :)

Project Mayhem here :D
Nice write up