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RE: Monday social pizza party !

in #events3 years ago (edited)

The NFT topic is interesting. There are contracts on multiple chains, but ERC721's and similar tokens are just treasure maps. LP tokens are more useful because you can stake them in a pool that provides liquidity. Id like to try the new site. To be honest I prefer HiveSigner over KeyChain, so switching to the new Outpost style means I'll primarily just use PeakD instead. We need more use cases. Splinterlands has the back end for their game NFTs. You can post MEMES with #MEME on to earn MEME to mint MemeNFTs, then you can swap the MEME you earn for selling them to SWAP.HIVE. That's a use case. NFTshowroom is beautiful and I point any serious artist towards that site. dCITY has nfts and I like the auctions they have, I have snapped up a few NFTs with that. What use cases can we define for NFTs? How can we take it to the next level? The NFT world is complaining about fees and we have a great alternative here. What really sets us apart though? Critics would say its no different (other than lower fees). Check out my animated NFT, the first one I ever published and had designed over a year ago. I have lots of ideas on this subject and I think Hive is one of the few places for this conversation to take place, since we can make NFTs and probably more. I would like to have a menu where I could assemble smart contracts (from a list of audited contracts) and deploy them on Hive. Nothing is impossible.

I tried to buy some HEX at one point, but the TX didn't work. Seemed sketchy, did some research. Found Richard Hart in a live stream so I asked him to make his case for Hex and he told me if I wasnt smart enough to figure it out then too bad. So then I did some more research, and I realized how big and also how risky HEX was. Its built to go up in value, but you need at least 10,000 Tshares and I didn't get them in the beginning. I also tried to sacrifice to the Pulse Chain, i've been following the project but my spider sense is screaming whenever it comes up. He is getting insanely rich off it and he talks about it openly how much money he makes, basically every time someone buys HEX he gets paid. Anyhow my Pulse Chain sacrifice didn't work either, so I am just going to stay away. Messari calls Hex "HEX is an ERC-20 compliant token on Ethereum claiming to be a high-interest blockchain certificate of deposit for Bitcoin holders." and there are no public stats for it, so its not exactly a top 10 coin. ATH was $0.51 on September 19th, 2021 so if you bought a year ago then it would be up 2017%. Part of me understands the logic, and if my TX had confirmed then I would probably be up turning $200 into $3968, its a lot but its not millions.

I don't know too much about ICP, I thought it was the band Insane Clown Posse token, but its Internet Computer Protocol. Ethereum is a turing complete virtual machine, so ICP would be another competitor. I would defer to someone with more experience with AI since that is essentially what we are talking about here. There are going to be multiple AI's living on blockchains like Ethereum and maybe one day even Hive. Long term I am bullish on BTC but I keep a close eye on the way its moving and I think we are in the bear market now. There might be one more final hurrah, but I am having 2018 flashbacks. Check out my posts over the last 6 months and you'll see my warning about the accumulation phase of the cycle. Some sources I follow are expecting a big drop soon, we could see 14,000 but others say theres no way it could happen, under 20k is a dream. I always say, price doesn't matter, only supply. Just keep buying Bitcoin and hodl.

We about have 845 days until the next halving, around May 6th 2024. And only 761,144 BTC to be mined between now and then. What is different in 2022 from 2018? Billionaires are buying, Corporations are buying, Governments are buying. And they are locking it up for 100 years, taking the supply off the table. How low will it go in 2022?



wow, thanks for all the thoughts.

Yeah that turned into a post of its own. LOL /endrant

Heres that Virtualand project you brought up

The website talks about using Ethereum and Matic like Earth and Mars.
They categorize and transform data they collect. Looks interesting.
@web-gnar you asked though ha