Village financial management training 2018

in #events7 years ago

Village funds are government budget funds that are budgeted for village development for the welfare of society and the economy.
in this year I as village treasurer must go to jakarta to follow training fund management village based Application.
the budget given by the government to all the existing provinces of Indonesia will be compiled with the Siskeudes application system.

later on all the budgets will be divided into several areas namely the field of government, the field of development, field of empowerment and also the field of coaching.

The areas of government that include, among others, honor the village apparatus, office services, musrenbang activities, the preparation of the budget is included in the field of government which will automatically be arranged in the application.

field of development.
ie activities budgeted in the form of buildings there is also in the form of material procurement.

field of empowerment.
includes activities of empowerment activities undertaken by the community to create human resources that can produce a good economy.

This training event is included in the field of government because all the expenses used in this training are either official travel, lodging, and meals included in the cost of human resources.
this training is very useful for me as the village treasurer because this application system is the first time implemented in the city of lhokseumawe.
hopefully be a motivation for me and my fellow treasurer se lhokseumawe city.


Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

yes thank you again my friend hopefully i can learn on you also how to write good in steemit.sukses for you friend @adensgarden

how do you feel about being a treasurer and what are the obstacles in your career @mulyadedi

being a treasurer is a boon in addition to adding knowledge as well as being my spirit in building a village with a budget provided by the government.
sometimes the constraints of what is set in government regulations are sometimes less accepted by people who do not know about the rules. thanks for the question @fatma24

Good Post!
Terus Berkarya Ya!

thanks ya kak!owhh ya jangan lupa Vote & Follow saya juga @channa

terima kasih @channa semoga termotivasi.

How do you like being treasurer ?

because I used to go to majoring in accounting and I really liked the financial administration in 2013 the village head asked me to take his treasurer's position to accompany him in the village administration.
Thanks for your comment @andrejmcclendon