Eventum — Bounty & Referral

in #eventum7 years ago (edited)

Eventum — Bounty & Referral (with rules!)

We think that community is one of the core pieces that holds the project together, and this is especially true with projects like Eventum. To build the much-needed community around Eventum, we are allocating 3,000,000 EVT tokens to our bounty program.

Click here to join the Bounty program

The bounty program is designed to reward our community for inviting their friends to our project, sharing project updates on social media, writing quality (and truthful) articles, recording explanation videos and much more. For every friend invite or article/social share submission, a different number of points are collected. After the token sale, 3,000,000 EVT tokens will be distributed to participants proportionally to the number of points they have collected.

3,000,000 EVT tokens are divided into the following bounties:

  • Referral to Eventum Alpha — 300,000 EVT (10%)
  • Telegram — 300,000 EVT (10%)
  • Reddit — 510,000 EVT (17%)
  • Twitter — 510,000 EVT (17%)
  • Facebook — 300,000 EVT (10%)
  • Creative content — 600,000 (20%) (10%)
  • Translation (bitcointalk.org) — 240,000 (8%) (10%)
  • Signature (bitcointalk.org) — 240,000 (8%)

By participating in one of these bounties and submitting an honest proof of the invite/share/content, you will be awarded a portion of that bounty’s allocated tokens.

Rules and allocation of points

Points structure for all bounties is listed HERE!

Invite a friend to Eventum Alpha
  1. Invite a friend to Eventum Alpha with your referral link and earn points according to this structure: LINK
  2. Referrals need to be made to real people with high level domain names (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail …). Referrals to one-time email services (e.g. Mailinator, Guerrilla Mail, MailDrop …) will not be taken into account. Referrals to emails which contain same name that is presented on submiter’s email will not be accepted. For referral to count, person is who referred needs to signup to Eventum Alpha, complete his account (first name, second name, ETH address) and participate in at least 1 event.
  1. Join our Telegram group: LINK
  2. Invite friends to our Telegram group!
  3. Receive points for joining and for each friend that you’ve invited according to this structure: LINK

Submission help:

Finding your Telegram username:
Your Telegram username can be found by clicking the gear icon (settings) and finding the username in the top left corner of the settings screen

  1. Follow Eventum on Twitter: LINK
  2. Retweet important tweets from Eventum regularly and earn points for each of those tweets according to this structure: LINK

Submission help:

Finding your Twitter handle:
Your Twitter handle can be found on your profile page under your name.

Getting a submission link:
To get the link to your tweet, just click on the tweet and copy the link.

  1. Subscribe to our subreddit: LINK
  2. Post or comment relevant information about Eventum on: r/bitcoin, r/ethereum, r/ethtrader, r/icocrypto, r/Eventum, r/btc, r/CryptoCurrency/ or r/Best_of_Crypto and earn points according to this structure: LINK
  3. Your account should be at least 30 days old and have 10 posts or comment karma. Deleted posts, posts with negative karma and spam will not be taken into account. If possible, the post needs to include a link back to Eventum website.

Submission help:

Finding your Reddit username:
Your Reddit username is displayed in the top right corner of Reddit webpage.

Getting a submission link:
To get the link to your post, click on the post title and copy the link.

  1. Like Eventum page: LINK
  2. Click on the Facebook “Log In” button on the Bounty page and log in with your Facebook account (so we can assign you points based on the number of friends you have)
  3. Repost updates and important posts from Eventum regularly.
  4. Profile must be public and all posts must be public as well. If possible, the post needs to include a link back to the Eventum website. Live video presentation must be of high quality. Content can be any of the following: talking about the project and educating people, doing interviews or analyzing the project. Only original and personal accounts will be taken into account: no fake accounts or accounts with fake friends (will be checked manually). Points will be given according to this structure: LINK

Submission help:

Finding your Facebook username:
Your Facebook username can be found in Settings -> General Account Settings in the field “Username”.

Logging in with facebook:

Getting a submission link:
To get the link to your shared post on facebook look for the date/time stamp. It will usually look something like “5 minutes”, “Yesterday at 11:52am” or “Just now”. Click on the date/time and copy the link. The post needs to be public.

Creative content
  1. Write an article, shoot an explanation video, create a high quality GIF etc.
  2. Points will be give according to this structure: LINK
  3. All creative content must be original and of good quality. All videos must be longer then 3 minutes except for animated videos which must be longer than 30 seconds. High quality GIFs are allowed. Content must be posted on publishing platforms such as Medium, Steemit, Newbium, … or on high quality personal websites/blogs. All articles should exceed 800 characters and articles/blog posts shorter than that will not be taken into account. All content needs to include link back to the Eventum website.
Bitcointalk.org signature and translation campaign

Please go to our official bounty thread on Bitcointalk: LINK

Only original and personal accounts will be allowed: no fake profiles or profiles with fake friends/followers. All submissions will be checked manually. Profiles and posts must be public.

Any and all attempts to scam the system will result in a ban!


Amazing project. I have joined bounty

very good project!i am join!!

Eventum is the world’s first decentralized platform where the fact of the matter is sourced from the group and afterward naturally transformed into a constant API. Reporter get paid for what they see and experience, while engineers get any information they need all the more efficiently and dependably.joining bounty is interesting .

Eventum is the world's best decentralized Platform