DTUBE Film Summary
So for the second straight week basically my part of town got hit by a small storm, 40-50 mph winds and a few inches of rain and another with about a foot of snow. Of course the power for both these events was out for 4 days. So combined that is 8 days without power in a roughly two week period.
My problem with this is, Eversource is pulling in about 1 billion per year in profits and not doing the bare minimum maintenance required to keep the lights on during a little wind. At the same time they are trying to pass a VMP plan to spray all the high tension lines with pesticides and herbicides. Basically Eversource is too concerned with their profits to show any kind of business ethics. They would prefer to poison their customers than hire a few more people to hand prune the trees.
On top of that Eversource is granted a government backed monopoly on the power in my area. They are abusing this power and using their monopoly status to line their pockets with our money, while at the same time they can't keep the lights on.
I was told today by a worker in Mashpee Commons that Eversource emp,employees were there bragging about how there was so much chaos the company could not keep track of them and they were all goofing off, whilst at the same time my neighborhood has live wires still down and homes without power in a neighborhood full of kids for four days. Does this seem legit to you?
I say we force Eversource to do their damn jobs. Bury the power lines like a modern society, and harden the grid for EMP. Eversource's profits last year are the estimated cost for 1/5 the cost of hardening the grid. I say we force them to harden 1/5 of the grid next year. A company that is a government backed monopoly should not be allowed to turn 988 million in profits when they are not doing their job. The power grid system is extremely old and outdated.
Don't forget to write them letters to stop them spraying the cape. Article: https://steemit.com/activism/@titusfrost/g3148g9x
Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...

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We should replace its name by "Neversource"..Find an alternative energy provider if you can! Sadly they have a monopoly and take advantage of it.
thnx mate, u got new fan here
That’s really frustrating. That’s what monopoly does, they can give a s..t about hard working people. I live in NY and we had power shortage for only three days. If we had 8 days with no power, NY would turn into zombie. I wish you luck with it to get fixed soon.
What a bad time you are spending hopefully and manage to solve everything, it is not easy to be without electricity and more when there are those natural phenomena to the order of the day luck friend
Muy interesante, gracias por compartirlo.
they keep us constantly in a state of crisis and debt they don't have to have an actual world war three....we are in it....it is a war that will keep us from seeing the noose that is slowly being lowered down until it is too late for most of those who can't see because they are too busy trying to survive and are in a state of cognitive dissonance and become a prisoner and their own Jailer....
hmmm I feel your frustration ....they have just where they want us....The answer of course isn't as simple as one would hope...getting off of their system and non compliance with it. We are doing our best to do just that here in Mexico , they they hit us with an earthquake in an area that has not ever had an epicentre before and voila...our house is broken and we were not prepared to rebuild but they can not take our spirit and we are renewed with a passion to disclose to anyone with ears and minds open to hear all about the Zionist agenda to enslave our minds to keep their journey with greed and power (and their sick vengeance to make us suffer....nope not gunna happen in my story....thanks for all you do TItusfrost....charlie freak and I are just starting a channel hope you can support us in our journey ! cheers!