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RE: Evolution, Creationism and Flat Earth Cosmology

in #evolution8 years ago

I am not a Christian, nor a flat-earther, but I am skeptical of some claims made by modern cosmology and evolutionism and the world view built upon these principles (or a misunderstanding thereof).

So I disagreed initally with your approach – one of "talking down" to the "lower strata" of creationism – but found your simultaneous skepticism towards the "higher strata" (atheism) intriguing.

All in all, you have done a great job, by means of sound argument, dispelling some of the myths many creationists still uphold despite the availability of better knowledge; you may even have changed my mind in one point or another.

One aspect of evolution, however, seems to have fallen under the table, and I would like to invite you to expand on it: biogenesis. From what creationism teaches, the gap between the most complex anorganic molecule and the most simple organic molecule, able to kick-start the whole stable "chain reaction" process of metabolism and procreation, remains unbridged.

For it still seems to me that, while entropy is the governing law of the universe, such a process betrays a higher order, which points either to intelligent intent (gasp) or a yet-to-be-explained function of the natural laws.

Turtles all the way down!

Allow me to address this paragraph also:

In fact every time anybody has ever purported to be able to demonstrate a supernatural phenomenon, when they voluntarily attempted to do so under lab conditions, it turned out to either be delusion or a fraud.

Robert Anton Wilson, in turn, has challenged skepticists to demonstrate a natural phenomenon, which is funny :) Jokes aside, it seems "remote viewing" has some empiricism behind it. Also looking forward to the outcome of Lucien Hardy's take on the Bell experiment (whatever the outcome).

Should we not recognize that pattern and extrapolate from it?

Not necessarily; that is as if the Wrights had taken Icarus' experiment, da Vinci's drawings and all other failed attempts at getting airborne to conclude that it's impossible to fly with a machine heavier than air.
