
Mr. Giancarlo is amazing personality...

Lol, like memes weren't popular already, now we got cryptos spreading them around really fast!
Soon everyone is going to be HODLing some sort of crypto :D

OMG, that was pretty fuckin’ hilarious. If you go on Twitter you hear them use a phrase H-O-D-L which means. . . Thanks my man, I got my belly laughing in for the day.

It's not even hold on for dear life ... haha

It's like explaining to your grandpa what the "brace yourself" meme is :)))
He kind of took the fun out of it though by explaining it so blandly.

The example of his niece is pretty great and sure brings in more value to the content of it!

I believe if government gets involved, you have fraudsters and manipulators involved. People will migrate away from anything related to government simply because that was the whole purpose of the creation of crypto currency -- independence, even with the dangers.. @etherpunk

Not really, governments are people like you and me too, except with some special powers. But overall, people are the problem..

Brilliant. It’s so surreal to see senators being so uninformed about cryptocurrency.

great post

After this was over they went straight away to check the bitcoin prices :D